
  • 网络Sorting hat
  1. 分院帽:让我想想。我知道了!赫奇帕奇!

    Sorting Hat : Let 's see . I know ! Hufflepuff !

  2. 分院帽需要您所选择的考虑。

    The Sorting Hat takes your choice into account .

  3. 分院帽不是魂器。

    The Sorting Hat is not a Horcrux .

  4. 也就是统一霍格沃茨各个学院,重新诠释分院帽的时候。

    It is time to unite the houses at Hogwarts , to paraphrase the Sorting Hat .

  5. 一个非常瘦小的灰头发男孩被叫到前面,戴上了分院帽。

    A very small , mousy-haired boy had been called forward to place the hat on his head .

  6. 哈利一直没有告诉罗恩和赫敏,当初分院帽曾非常认真地考虑要把他放在斯莱特林。

    Harry had never told Ron and Hermione that the Sorting Hat had seriously considered putting him in Slytherin .

  7. “分院帽把你选进了格兰芬多,是吗?马尔福在哪里呢?在令人讨厌的斯莱特林。”

    The Sorting Hat chose you for Gryffindor , didn 't it ? And where 's Malfoy ? In stinking Slytherin .

  8. 说句实话,如果当初分院帽把我放进斯莱特林,我二话不说,直接就乘火车回家……”

    Honestly , if the Sorting Hat had tried to put me in Slytherin , I 'd 've got the train straight back home .... "

  9. 与此同时,戴着眼镜、头发紧紧地束成一个小圆髻的麦格教授,把那顶著名的霍格沃茨分院帽放在新生面前的凳子上。

    Meanwhile , Professor McGonagall , a bespectacled witch with her hair in a tight bun , was placing the famous Hogwarts Sorting Hat on a stool before the newcomers .