
fēn zǐ rén lèi xué
  • molecular anthropology
  1. 分子人类学与现代人的起源

    Molecular Anthropology and the Origin of Modern Human

  2. 或许正因如此,对这一切谜团,分子人类学受到了批评。

    For all its dazzle or perhaps because of it molecular anthropology is not without critics .

  3. 所以研究人员利用分子人类学追寻疾病的根源,然后利用这些知识来量体定制药物。

    So researchers are using molecular anthropology to seek the origins of disease and then using that knowledge to create customized treatments .

  4. 他们和图卢兹大学分子人类学和合成成像实验室的科学家合作扫描整具遗体。

    They collaborated with scientists from the Molecular Anthropology and Synthetic Imaging Laboratory at the University of Toulouse to scan the entire body .

  5. 通过对现代福建和其他闽语人群的分子人类学研究,结果并没有看到闽越的结构。

    When modern populations in Fujian and other areas where South-Fujian was spoken were analyzed with molecular anthropological model , no structure of Min-Yue was found .

  6. 摘要以澳泰族群的遗传结构为例,阐述了分子人类学在民族学、人类学等学科研究中的价值和意义,及时人类学作为基础学科的认识。

    Taking the genetic structure of the Austro-Tai ethnic group as an example , the article discusses about the value and significance of molecular anthropology in the studies of Ethnology and Anthropology and about the knowledge of anthropology as a basic subject .