
  • 网络Northern Liang
  1. 至于“凉造新泉”,则可能是北凉沮渠蒙逊所铸。

    As for " new coins found by Liang ," it probably founded by in Northern Liang .

  2. 在之后的北齐和北凉道教得到了当权者的恩惠并一度在朝堂之上扮演重要角色。

    and in the succession of Northern Qi and Northern Liang , Taoism gained good graces of the ruler and once play a critical role in court .

  3. 这在敦煌壁画的中国北凉至元末的绘画艺术中有充分的体现。

    This is the North China Dunhuang Mural Painting in Late Yuan cool to have fully reflected .

  4. 一群被来自上天声音赋予灵感的人,创造出了北凉静之境界和悲凉的情怀,影响着北魏的艺术风格。

    A group of people inspired by heaven created Beiliang with its charm of peace and doleful sentiments , which influenced art style of northern wei .

  5. 第二章:重点探讨了北魏平定北凉的原因、关于平凉户被迁徙的户数以及平凉户的由来、去向与处境;

    Chapter two : Especially probe into the reason that the Northern Wei Dynasty calmed down the Liang state , the families'amounts and origin , whereabouts and situations ;

  6. 结合古地磁和构造地质资料分析,作者认为范家屯组中的牙形刺动物群生活于二叠纪北温带温凉的水域。

    Based on palaeomagnetic data and tectonic analysis , the present authors concluded that this conodont fauna were from Permian Northern Temperate Zones .