
  • 网络northern yuan
  1. 古代蒙古社会有关生态保护的法律散见在“约孙”(习惯法)、《大札撒》(成吉思汗法典)、元朝典章制度和北元时期的蒙古法典之中,其保护的范围包括自然环境和人为环境。

    The law involving in ecological protection lied in Yosun , Big Jasag , the Yuan legal systems and Mongol law codes in Northern Yuan time in ancient Mongol society .

  2. 第一个时期的特点是整个北元社会的游牧封建政治制度由原来的游牧封建领主制向游牧封建君主制演变,领地成为私产,成为独立封国,领主演变为游牧封建君主。

    The characteristics of the first period were that nomadic feudal political system of the whole Northern Yuan had changed into the system of nomadic feudal lords from the nomadic feudal monarchy .

  3. 北元遗物及其相关问题的初步探讨与研究

    A Preliminary Study of the Cultural Relics of the North Yuan and Some Related Problems

  4. 赣北元古代变质沉积岩的铅钕同位素特征

    Pb , Nd isotopic study of Proterozoic metamorphic sediments in North Jiangxi and its tectonic significance

  5. 罗布泊盐湖钾盐矿床分布规律及控制因素分析桂北元古代锡矿床的控矿条件及分布规律

    The Probing of Regularity and Controlling Factors of Potash Deposits Distribution in Lop Nur Salt Lake , Xinjiang

  6. 手抄方式中元代和民国时期足毛笔,北元和清朝时期是竹笔使用的最多。

    Handwritten in the way and the Republic of China the Yuan is a brush , and Yuan and Qing period Bamboo document to use the most .

  7. 明朝因边防需要,于正统二年设置靖虏卫,这里成为明王朝与北元蒙古国的军事冲突地带。

    As a result of the Ming border require , in2002 the formal setting Krupp Jing Wei , this become the Ming Dynasty and the Northern Mongolia million military conflict zone .

  8. 手抄方式中元代以毛笔书写历史地理书最多,占本类图书的88%,北元和清代时以竹笔书写宗教书籍为最多,占本类图书的81%和77%。

    Yuan handwritten way to brush up writing history and geography books , accounting for 88 % of the books , and Yuan and Qing bamboo pen when the religious books for the largest , accounting for 81 % of the books and 77 % .