
  • 网络Dali Kingdom;Kingdom of Dali
  1. 白族军官接管了这里,将王国命名为大理国。

    It was taken over by Bai officials and renamed the Kingdom of Dali .

  2. L上的关系(?)大理国与宋王朝关系颇具特色。

    The relation between Dali imperial and Song Dynasty is of distinguish feature .

  3. 大理国段氏为云南土著说质疑

    Doubts about the Duans of the Dali Kingdom as Natives of Yunnan

  4. 两宋王朝与大理国关系研究

    The Relationship Between Two Song Dynasties and Dali Kingdom

  5. 南诏、大理国对云南怒江流域的经略民国时期云南怒江地区的三部方志

    Three Local Chronicles of the Nujiang Region , Yunnan Province , in the Republic of China

  6. 南诏、大理国古王陵有关问题探析

    A Probe into the Riddle of the Ancient Imperial Tombs of Nanzhao State and Dali Kingdom

  7. 云南八国辨析&兼谈北宋与大理国的关系

    Differentiation and Analysis on Yunnan Eight States & Syllepsis on Intercourse between North Song and Dali State

  8. 开国君主都如此,大理国崇尚佛教的情况可以想象。当时大理国的百姓,都以崇信佛教为容。

    Every founding king did like this and all the common people in Dali were proud of worshipping the Buddha .

  9. 王国仅仅只进行了毫无意义地抵抗,大理国的光辉瞬间成为历史。

    The kingdom put up a brief and futile resistance and then it was all over for Dali 's glory days .

  10. 论宋朝以大理国为外藩的原因及其守内虚外治策

    The reasons for the Song court to take the Dali Kingdom as its vassal state and its policy of control through conciliation

  11. 而更为奇怪的是,大理国曾经在位几十个皇帝,而他们的陵墓直到今天,居然一座也没有找到。

    The more stranger of it is that people haven 't found any mausoleum of these tens of kings up to now .

  12. 史书记载段思英成了大理国出家为僧的第一个皇帝。但并不是最后一个。

    Duan Siying was the first king who abdicated the throne to become a monk , but he wasn 't the last one .

  13. 马市铜牌又可称作交子,为大理国市场管理、交易收税之凭据。

    Horses Market bronze plate was also called " Jiaozi " , which was the certificate of market man-agement and tax of trade in Dali State .

  14. 明初的杨黼,承继着南诏、大理国时期释儒的传统,其政治伦理思想表现着儒家思想与佛教思想的密切结合,甚至可以说,有较为突出的宗教(佛教)特色。

    Life in beginning of Ming dynasty Yang Fu , is inheriting the Nanzhao and the Dali country time " Buddhism and Confucianism " the tradition .

  15. 大理国的此举是宋挥玉斧下,愿以行动表示向宋朝臣服的一个惨痛案例。

    Such an act by Dali Kingdom is just a bitter case , under the " Brandished Jade Axe ", to submitted itself to the rule of Song Dynasty .

  16. 有人把“云南八国”解释作因大理国八个行政区划而有“八国”之称,此系误传。

    Some hold that the " Yunnan Eight States " were the other name of the Dali State because it had eight administrative divisions , but I have a different view .

  17. 一方面是,大理国历代统治者前赴后继的长达一百五十多年的执着请求宋廷册封,主动追求臣服。

    For one thing , the successive governors of Dali insisted to require Song to confer titles and pursue to be their officials on their own initiative for no less than one hundred and fifty years .

  18. 值忽必烈平大理国750周年,本文概说其重大史义三题:一是改变了汉武帝开创的云南郡县制衰亡的大趋势,使边疆云南最终统一于中国;

    The author believes Kublai Khan 's Conquest of Dali Kingdom has three important significances : the first is it changed the waning trend of the prefecture and county created by Han Wudi Emperor and made Yunnan frontier finally united with China ;

  19. 而在南诏国和大理国时期,从中原传入的佛教,特别是密宗对云南地区的社会生活形成了重要的影响,这种影响也体现在了碑刻上,并发展出了自身的特点。

    However , Buddhism form the central area , especially the esoteric Buddhism had made an large influence on social life in Yunnan area in Nanzhao and Dali period . This effect also reflected on steles ' shape and developed their own characteristics .

  20. 本文试从大理国、宋王朝两个方面的多个角度入手,探讨两宋中央与大理政权的关系及其留给我们的启示。

    Trying to begin with the two respects , the Dali Kingdom and the Song Dynasty from many angles , this essay discusses the relationship between the central authorities of the two Song Dynasties and the Dali Regime as well as the enlightenment it may give us .

  21. 在现存的火葬墓地中保存有大量的梵文碑刻,其时代从大理国后期至明代中期,这些碑刻是我们今天研究南诏大理国乃至元明时期白族密宗和白族丧葬文化的重要材料。

    There are many Sanskrit tablets found in these tombs which were built from the late Dali Kingdom to the middle of the Ming Dynasty and are precious data for the study of the Esoteric Buddhism of the Bais in this period and for the Bai 's funeral culture .

  22. 大理是我国西南最早开发的地区之一。

    Dali is one of the earliest cultivated regions in southwest of our country .

  23. 对大理古代白子国的研究已取得很大进展,但争议颇多。

    Studies on the Baizi Kingdom of ancient Dali have made marked achievements , but considerable disputes still remain .

  24. 大理号是哪国船?

    What flag is the m.s.dali under ?

  25. 三路军先后进入丽江地区,并于12月15日攻下大理城,结束大理国的统治。

    These three armies invaded Lijiang , occupied Dali City on Dec. 15th and ended the Dali kingdom .

  26. 大理位于云南西部,古为大理国国都。

    Dali in western Yunnan , and the ancient countries of the Dali .

  27. 佛教密宗传入大理后,逐渐被当地的白族人民所吸取,到南诏大理国时达到极盛时期,金刚杵是密宗重要的法器之一。

    After Esoteric Buddhism spread to Dali , it evolved among the Bai people and eventually reached its pinnacle during the period of Nanzhao and Dali Kingdom .