
dà wèi
  • Lieutenant;senior captain
大尉 [dà wèi]
  • [senior captain] 某些国家的尉官中最高一级军衔

大尉[dà wèi]
  1. 大尉发觉白丽洁小姐对他有了爱情,在这方面他的眼力格外犀利。

    The captain perceived the passion of miss bridget , in which discovery he was very quicksighted .

  2. 谢司科普大尉知道,如果不提防他,这家伙可能会惹出更多的麻烦。

    Lieutenant Scheisskopf knew that he might cause even more trouble if he wasn 't watched .

  3. 婚前,大尉总象个有教养的人那样放弃自己的见解,处处迁就女方。

    The captain , like a well-bred man , had , before marriage , always given up his opinion to that of the lady .

  4. 我是坐在安乐椅里醒过来的,蜡烛已经燃完,大尉房里的人都已进入梦乡,四周静悄悄的,我们住宅里很少是这样。

    I woke up in the same arm-chair ; my candle had burnt out ; everyone was asleep in the captain 's room , and there was a stillness all round , rare in our flat .