
shàng shì
  • staff sergeant;sergeant first class;chief petty officer;petty officer first class;technical sergeant;a person of virtue
上士 [shàng shì]
  • (1) [sergeant first class ]∶军衔,军士的最高一级

  • (2) [a person of virtue]∶指贤能之士

  • 上士忘名,中士立名

上士[shàng shì]
  1. (掌声)例如陆军上士威廉罗宾逊26岁已经失踪63年。

    ( Applause . ) Like Sergeant First Class William Robinson 26 years old missing for 63 years .

  2. 技术专家怀特·马丁和上士雷蒙·莫里斯,这两个人的人生轨迹各异。但去年的十二月,两位在阿富汗的一次战斗任务中牺牲,结束了他们的人生旅程。

    In their lives , Specialist Wyatt Martin and Sergeant First Class Ramon Morris travelled different paths.But in December , their paths intersected as the final two Americans to give their lives during our combat mission in Afghanistan .

  3. 他父亲是一名陆军上士。

    His father is a staff sergeant in the army .

  4. 新兵们一到,那上士就把他们臭骂一顿。

    The sergeant chewed out the recruits as soon as they arrived .

  5. 把song上士带到总部!

    Take Sergeant song to PTC now !

  6. 约翰w。肯尼迪上士&我们在那幢建筑物里发现了一些葫芦。

    SFC JOHN w.KENNEDY-We found gourds in that building .

  7. 我知道sorrow上士已经失踪了。

    I understand staff sergeant sorrow has been missing .

  8. sorrow上士真的失踪了吗?

    Is staff sergeant sorrow missing ?

  9. 这次的目的地是阿富汗。LorenTaylor的未婚夫,上士ChristopherMiller就是即将前往阿富汗的士兵之一。

    Their : Afghanistan Loren Taylor 's fiance , Staff Sergeant Christopher Miller , is one of the soldiers who expects to be heading for Afghanistan .

  10. 据NPR新闻的阿里·夏皮罗报道,泰·卡特上士是参加过伊拉克或阿富汗战争的士兵中第五位活着获得此荣誉的士兵。

    NPR 's Ari Shapiro reports Staff Sgt. Ty Carter is the fifth living Iraq or Afghanistan veteran to receive this award .

  11. 我们在上士麦达德(StaffSergeantAubreyMcDade)身上的美国特质,他负责伊拉克的一次埋伏并拯救了三名同伴的海军陆战队队员。

    We 've seen it in Staff Sergeant Aubrey McDade , who charged into an ambush in Iraq and rescued three of his fellow Marines .

  12. “我们来这里学习,是因为这里才是真正具备使用无人飞机能力的地方,”来自英国Darlington的飞行员上士说。

    " We 're here because this is where the real UAV capability is ," the flight sergeant from Darlington , England , said .

  13. 今天有人想要杀了mcmannis上士。

    Someone tried to kill staff sergeant mcmannis today .

  14. 陆军上士SalvatoreGiunta因2007年在阿富汗的英勇行动而获得该勋章,在遇袭之后,他帮助击退了敌人,并拯救了一名同伴。

    Staff Sergeant Salvatore Giunta earned the medal because of his heroic actions in Afghanistan in2007.He helped fight off the enemy and rescue a fellow soldier after they were attacked .

  15. 陆军上士Giunta是第八个获得荣誉勋章的人。这是对在阿富汗和伊朗服役的军人的最高奖赏。

    Staff Sergeant Giunta is the eighth person to receive the Medal of Honor . It is the military 's highest award for service in Afghanistan and Iran .

  16. 他推荐你获得铜星勋章,上士。

    He 's recommended you for the bronze star , sergeant .

  17. 你就为这些杀了可怜的上士?

    That is why you killed that poor staff sergeant ?

  18. 你在葛林上士将他的库存送来这时,有连络他们吗?

    You contact them when staff sergeant Grimm brought his inventory here ?

  19. 你杀了葛林上士,不是吗?

    You killed staff sergeant grimm , didn 't you .

  20. 而他是在沙漠风暴中受伤的海军陆战队上士。

    And he 's a marine gunny Sergeant wounded in desert storm .

  21. 上士,你在晚会上为什么不穿制服?

    Sergeant , why are you not in your uniform this evening ?

  22. 我看你的档案时一定看错了,上士。

    I must 've read your file wrong , gunny .

  23. 陆军上士贾斯汀·派克,所有美国人向你致敬。

    Staff Sergeant Peck : All of America salutes you .

  24. 一个军衔在海军陆战队上士之上的士官。

    A noncommissioned officer ranking above a staff sergeant in the marines .

  25. 而现在是雅提拉斯上士,五天前。

    And now Gunnery Sergeant atlas , five days ago .

  26. 戈登上士一直都跟你们在一起吗?

    Petty officer Gordon was with you the whole time ?

  27. 穆勒上士就在我眼前丧命。

    Sergeant mueller , killed right in front of me .

  28. 你说的一定是李普上士。

    You must be thinking of first sergeant lipton .

  29. 巴福特上士已经离开了他的位置了,先生。

    Chief petty officer Bamford has been relieved of his post , sir .

  30. 沃特森上士将会给你们详细讲一下。

    Petty officer Watson is gonna talk a little bit more about that .