
  • 网络Shanglin county
  1. 中国媒体称,大多数蜂拥加入加纳淘金热的被捕工人,都来自广西壮族自治区的贫困地区上林县。

    Most of the detained workers flocked to the Ghana gold rush from the impoverished county of Shanglin in China 's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region , Chinese media say .

  2. 第一部分介绍了上林县的概况,主要从自然环境背景、社会人文背景和物产资源三个方面进行介绍,这样就能从整体上对上林县有个基本的把握。

    The first part : Introduce the basic situation of Shanglin , make an introduction from three aspects of natural environment , social cultural resources and produce resource , in this way the circumstance of Shanglin can be known on the whole .

  3. 从坚固大宅到仙境州城&广西上林县前后两唐碑比较及其昭示

    From Strong House to Fairy Town & A Comparison to the Two before and after Stone Tablets of the Tang Dynasty and Its Enlightenment

  4. 通过学校校长、教师和学生的密切配合,上林县民族中学实现教学手段、课程内容、课外活动与特色化办学相关联,使学校特色办学内容充实并丰富。

    Mainly through closely cooperate with the teachers , principals and students . It is enriching the school running characteristics content , the ethnic school associated the teaching method , curriculum content and extracurricular activities with characteristic education .

  5. 本文从上林县景区居民旅游开发成效、景区居民对环境状况和发展生态旅游的态度、游客旅游目的、生态旅游开发的优劣势对比等方面进行了调查与分析,得出了针对性的研究结论。

    This paper comes to the targeted conclusion through investigating and analyzing developmental achievements of the scenic area resident , their attitude to environment and eco-tourism development , and the tourist purpose , as well as comparing the advantages and disadvantages of eco-tourism development .