
  1. 另用放免法对12例肾病综合征患者和12例正常建康人进行血浆血栓素B2(TXB2)和6-酮-前列腺素F(1a)(6-Keto-PGF(1a))的检测。

    The plasma levels of thromboxane B2 ( TXB2 ) and 6-Keto-prostaglandin F1a ( 6-Keto-PGF1a ) in 12 patients with primary nephrotic syndrome were tested by RIA .

  2. 我们用实时定量PCR,酶联免疫吸附法对比建康供者或者SLE患者来源hPBMCs表达IL-17分泌的水平。

    We used qRT-PCR , Elisa analyses to compare the expression levels of IL-17 secretion of hPBMCs from healthy donor or SLE patients .

  3. 三年后,他回到建康,并定居摄山,修筑栖霞精舍。

    He left Nanjing in 477 and came back three years later .

  4. 数字化医疗与医疗信息化是当代医疗卫生建康领域的重要发展方向。

    Today digital healthcare has become the main direction in healthcare development .

  5. 为您解决人寿,建康,旅行保险上的需要。

    Provide you with professional services to fulfill all your insurance needs .

  6. 友谊既是快乐的源泉,又是建康之要素。

    Friendship is both a source of pleasure and a componet of good health .

  7. 《建康实录》作者与成书时代新论

    New Thoughts on Both the Author and the Originating Time of Jian Kang Shi Lu

  8. 体式的练习会保持你的身体和心灵的建康和积极。

    Asana keep your body , as well as your mind , healthy and active .

  9. 绿色交通的发展是城市建康发展的必然趋势。

    The development of green traffic is the inevitable trend of thedevelopment of city health .

  10. 《建康实录》的整理与研究业已取得令人瞩目的成绩。

    The rearrangement and research in Veritable Records of Jiankang has attained a remarkable achievement .

  11. 不管结果如何,也许胡会因建康问题,要担任总统府秘书长。

    However , Hu wanted to become Presidential Office Secretary General , perhaps for health reasons .

  12. 让素食料理成为我们日常生活的一个重要建康食品。

    Let 's make vegetarian food a lifestyle towards healthy living for the benefits of all mankind .

  13. 为了让我们能够很建康很快乐地生活,我们可以要求国家提供最佳的服务。

    To ensure us a happy and healthy life , we can ask our government to offer us .

  14. 设正常建康人作为对照组。[结果]:32例肾小球疾病患者分为三组:慢性肾炎组、肾病综合征组和其它组。

    Results The patients were divided into three groups : chronic glomerulonephritis , primary nephritic syndrome , the others groups .

  15. 在建康(今江苏南京),寺庙数量增至500座,其中共有10000名僧人。

    In Jiankang ( present Nanjing city in Jiangsu Province ) , Buddhist temples added up to 500 with 10000 monks .

  16. 而侯景利用梁境内尖锐的社会矛盾,最终又攻陷了建康台城。

    Taking advantage of the sharp social contradiction within Liangwu 's Houing , in the end , took Taicheng in Jiankang .

  17. 周一位于华盛顿的环境保护机构宣布了二氧化碳气体和一些其它的温室气体危害大众建康。

    In Washington , the Environmental Protection Agency on Monday declared carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases a threat to public health .

  18. 侯景虽然攻下了建康,但当他的势力向四周扩展时,却遇到梁军和地主武装的强烈抵抗。

    However , while projecting his influence , Hou Jing was confronted by severe opposes from the re-maining army of Liang and local militia .

  19. 东晋初期的建康文坛受新都政局的影响,士人大多关心政治、揄扬风流,文学创作的庙堂色彩较为明显。

    The initial health by political influence , literary scholars , mostly concerned with politics , praise romantic , literary creation Temple color is more obvious .

  20. 魏晋南朝时则指长江中下游以南地区,尤其是以建康为中心的吴越地区。

    Jiangnan allegations south to middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River , Especially allegations Wu and Yue region center to Jiankang in Wei and Jin dynasty .

  21. 这样的思维不会意识到坎倒森林,污染江河土地和空气,与他本人和他的家人和后代的身体建康是有关联的;

    Such minds do not think of cutting down the trees or dumping the water and air with poisonous chemicals and filth as related to his well being ;

  22. 老穆说:如果接下来的四天如果与前四天的进展一样,他的建康状况就好了。

    Mussina said that if the situation progresses as much in the next four days as it did in the previous four , he would be in good shape .

  23. 他为建康瓦官寺所画的维摩诘壁画“维摩诘像”的明亮色彩和流畅线条使艺术爱好者记忆深刻。

    The mural painting of Vimalakirti , a lay Buddhist , done for the Waguan Temple of Jiankang , impressed art-lovers with its brightly coloured and finely drawn lines .

  24. 建康城市的空间管理突出了统治者在空间划分和对人的行为约束这两方面的控制功能,凸现了城市行为空间的等级制和象征性。

    Such space management system features the rulers ' control over space division and human activities , and in the meanwhile , it manifests the hierarchy and symbolization in taking advantage of the city space .

  25. 本文依据史料,对六朝建康的气候、水文、灾害、生态建设及其与社会发展的关系诸方面作了浅显的讨论。

    According to historical data , this article made a simple discussion on the climate , water , natural disasters , ecological , social development and some other aspects of Jian Kang in the Six Dynasties .

  26. 公元552年,王僧辩、陈霸先攻下建康,侯景企图逃胞,被部下所杀。

    Up to now , Liang was at the end of the rope . In 552 , Wang Sengbian and Chen Baxian captured Jiankang and Hou Jing was killed by his followers in an attempted escape .

  27. 公元317年,镇守建康(今江苏南京)的晋宗室司马睿在江南重建晋室,史称东晋。

    In 317 , Sima Rui , a member of the Western Jin imperial family stationed in Jiankang ( now Nanjing in Jiangsu ) , restablished the Jin government , which became known as the Eastern Jin .

  28. 公元501年,萧道成的族弟萧衍在襄阳起兵,攻进建康,结束了齐的统治,并称帝,建立梁朝。

    In 501 , Xiao Yan , half-brother of Xiao Daocheng took the advantages of this disturbance , led an uprising in Xiangyang ( now Xiangfan City , Hubei ) , seized the capital Jiankang and named his dynasty Liang .

  29. 第三,建康在六朝时所体现出的城市文化之丰富性,正在于它是江南城市精神的最高代表,可以说也是江南都市文化的核心内涵。

    Third , the limits embodied in the Six Dynasties of the richness of urban culture , is in the southern city which is the highest representative of the spirit , it can be said Jiangnan urban culture is the core substance .

  30. 317年,晋王室的一员——司马睿在建康(今天的江苏省南京)称帝,重建了晋政权,也就是我们所知道的东晋王朝(317——420)。

    In 317 , Sima Rui , a member of the Jin royal family stationed in Jiankang ( present city of Nanjing in Jiangsu Province ) , re-established Jin supremacy , through what has become known as the Eastern Jin Dynasty ( 317 - 420 ) .