
  1. 建文帝并没有死,第二天早上起来,他还在寺中讲经呢。

    Next morning , he wakes up and preaches in the temple as usual .

  2. 建文帝的一系列改革,得到了江南地主的拥护和支持。

    The southern landlords supported Emperor Jianwen 's reform because their conditions were improved during Emperor Jianwen period .

  3. 金陵大学自1930年组建文、理、农三院后,即一直保持各自特色,并取得引人注目的成就。

    After three institutes came into being in1930 , they had kept their own characters and achieved a great deal .

  4. 南华寺住持南禅法师,当晚设素宴为建文帝接风洗尘。刺客探知此事,便潜入寺中厨房,在做成的“巴掌菌”里放了毒药,要毒死建文皇帝。

    Knowing that the abbot of this temple monk Nanchan is treating him with a vegetarian dinner of welcome , the assassins sneak into the kitchen and poison the food .

  5. 建文帝不知“巴掌菌”中有毒,拿起筷子就吃了起来。他还一边吃着饭一边和南禅法师说着话。不一会儿,便把盘中“巴掌菌”吃得干干净净。

    Having no idea about that , Emperor Jianwen picks up a pair of chopsticks and soon eats up the tiger-palm fungi on the plate while talking with monk Nanchan .

  6. 方孝孺的人生经历了四个阶段:青少年时期、隐居时期、蜀汉时期、建文朝。

    Life of Fang Xiao Ru has experienced four stages : Teen-agers period , live in seclusion the period , the Kingdom of Shu Han period , Jian Wen dynasty .

  7. 一天,建文帝到南华寺传经,途中被刺客认出,他们便暗中尾随到了南华寺外,伺机行刺。

    One day , on the way to Nanhua Temple to disseminate scriptures , he is spotted by those assassins who tail closely behind him by stealth and watch for chance to assassinate him .

  8. 原来天上的玉皇大帝,早知道有人要毒害建文帝,就派金虎星下凡营救。

    It is because Jade Emperor in Heaven knows quite early that someone wants to poison Emperor Jianwen . So he sends Golden Tiger star to descend to the earth , saving Emperor Jianwen .