
  • 网络Jianshui;jianshui county
  1. 建水县种植业优化市局

    The optimal structure of planting husbandry of Jianshui County

  2. 建水县消除碘缺乏病阶段目标调查评估报告

    Investigation report about aim evaluation of elimination of iodine deficiency in Jianshui County

  3. 建水县旅游资源开发层次与利用方向

    Study on Tourist Resource Development and Direction of Jianshui

  4. 建水县文物旅游开发初步研究

    Relic protection and tourism exploitation in Jianshui county

  5. 建水县旅游资源禀赋及评价

    Jianshui County 's tourist resource and exploitation evaluation

  6. 在本文的最后,笔者对峨山县、建水县和石屏县的《四腔》进行了一个简单的比较。

    In the last part of this article , the author makes a simple comparison among the Four Chamber of Eshan County , Jianshui County and Shiping County .

  7. 建水地区较元阳地区在学习积极性与目标的明确性维度和学习观念这两个维度上的高等教育需求高,但在地域环境与文化维度上元阳县比建水县高等教育需求高。

    The study enthusiasm and the target in the clarity of the dimensions and learning concept education dimension of Jianshui is in higher demand than Yuanyang ; but environment and cultural of Yuanyang effects education demand more than Jianshui .