
  • 网络tea-horse road;Tea-horse Ancient Road;Ancient Tea Route;Delamu
  1. 茶马古道上的纳西族藏客起源探析

    A Research into the Origin of the " Zangke " among Naxi Nationality on the Tea-Horse Ancient Road

  2. 二战时期,茶马古道成为中国西南部唯一一条交通路线。

    In World War II , the tea-horse ancient road became the only transportation line for the southwest of China .

  3. 东坝自古就是茶马古道的驿站。

    There was a courier station in Dongba in ancient times .

  4. 茶马古道的历史研究与现实意义

    Historical research of Ancient Tea Horse Road and Its current value

  5. 丽江:茶马古道上最有名的集散地。

    Lijiang : the most famous distribution center on the road .

  6. 剑川:茶马古道上的一个集市。

    Jianchuan : bazaar on the tea and horse ancient road .

  7. 茶马古道与鹤庆商帮

    The Ancient Tea - horse Road and Heqing Trade Caravan

  8. 茶马古道与茶马贸易的历史与价值

    The history and value of Tea-horse Road and Tea-horse Trade

  9. 茶马古道风景迷人,幽静僻远。

    This ancient road features the imposing scenery and a soul-stirring quiet .

  10. 论茶马古道的形成、发展及其历史地位

    The history of the Old Tea - Horse Road

  11. 茶马古道旅游资源具有独特的资源优势和开发利用价值。

    It has unique resource advantages and development value .

  12. 沙溪寺登:茶马古道上唯一幸存的古集市。

    Shaxi Sideng : the only surviving bazaar .

  13. 这里是著名的茶马古道。

    It 's the ancient path of Chama .

  14. 该文介绍了云南省两个茶马古道上的传统城镇&中甸独克宗和丽江束河。

    This paper introduces two characteristic traditional towns , Dukezong in Zhongdian and Shuhe in Lijiang .

  15. 世界遗产视野下的茶马古道旅游开发&兼论茶马古道的世界遗产价值

    The Tourism Development of Tea And Horse Trial and the World Heritage Value of Tea and Horse Trial

  16. 茶马古道历史线路与旅游开发现实意义

    The Historical Route of the Ancient " Tea - Horse " Road and the Current Value of Its Tourism Development

  17. 茶马古道周边的重要城镇普洱:历史悠久的普洱茶的故乡。

    Important Towns along the Tea - horse Ancient Road Pu'er : hometown of Pu'er tea with a long history .

  18. 四方街是丽江古城心脏,这里是茶马古道上最重要的枢纽站。

    This is the heart of the town which once served as the most important hub on the Ancient Tea Caravan .

  19. 茶马古道是一个有着深厚历史文化内涵的概念,有广义和狭义之分。

    The Tea-horse Road is a concept with deeply historic and cultural intention , which has both broad and narrow sense .

  20. 跨区域旅游产品开发的理论与实践&以茶马古道旅游开发为例

    Theory and Practice of the Development of Trans-region Tourism Product A Case Study of the Ancient Road for Trade of Tea Horses

  21. 重兴陕甘茶马古道与拉动陕南经济发展初探

    An Exploration of Stimulating Economic Growth of Southern Shaanxi by the Regeneration of ' Ancient Tea-Horse Road ' in Shaanxi and Gansu

  22. 这一章是对茶马古道云南段的当前发展及延续等问题进行了一系列的思考。

    This chapter focuses on the ancient tea horse road in Yunnan section of the development and continuation of the problem with a series of thinking .

  23. 沙溪古镇在云南剑川县大理与丽江之间的古驿道上,是滇藏茶马古道上唯一幸存的古集市。

    The ancient town of Shaxi is situated on the ancient post road between Dali and Lijiang prefectures in the territory of jianchuan County , Yunnan Province .

  24. 酒店位于丽江茶马古道花马旅游文化商业街,周边有各种娱乐、休闲、餐饮、购物场所。

    The hotel is located in Lijiang Horse and Tea Caravans Hua Ma Tourism Culture Street , surrounded by all kinds of recreation , leisure , catering , shopping .

  25. 茶马古道源于古代西南边疆的茶马互市兴于唐宋盛于明�西南茶马古道越过中国的边境迎来了远自罗马的商人与旅�将这片古老土地与世界相连

    Built thousands of years ago , the southwestern tea and silk road gaveaccess tothe world beyond China 's borders , carrying tradesmen and travellers fromas far away asRome .

  26. 古老的南方丝绸之路和茶马古道,不仅把历史和今天,还把高原风光、地理奇观、民族风情连成一片。

    The Ancient Southern Silk Road and Tea-Horse Road link not only the history and the presence , but also the Plateau sceneries , geographical landscapes and folk customs .

  27. 香格里拉县地处南北各民族迁徙的交汇处,也是茶马古道要冲。

    Shangri-La County is situated at the migration confluence of various nationalities from the north and the south , and it is also a gateway county on the ancient tea-horse road .

  28. 这个建筑的修建时间是1820年代,那时正是马帮商旅在茶马古道上来来往往最频繁的时代。

    The building dates back to the1820 's ; a time when horse caravans passed through the city full of traders selling their goods along the ancient Tea and Horse Road .

  29. 在茶马古道上徒步虽然是一段艰难的旅行,但却颇为值得。因为你将会看到无与伦比的乡村风光——木质的房屋,蜿蜒的街道,古色古香的庭院。

    Hiking along a part of the trail can be arduous , but when you see the gorgeous rural landscape - wooden houses , winding streets and ancient courtyards-everything will be worthwhile .

  30. 该酒店可以组织山茶园采摘之旅,游客还可领略更多行动导向的体验,比如旅行公司WildChina组织的丛林单车骑行之旅,或者沿着几百年前商人赶着大篷车曾经走过的茶马古道旅行。—

    More action-oriented experiences are possible , as well , such as the tour group WildChina 's jungle biking trips or treks along the caravan route plied by tea traders centuries ago . -