
  • La Traviata;Camille;La dame aux camélias
  1. 盖尔布正在给这个项目筹款,他希望在2016年6月或2017年之前推出威尔第(Verdi)《茶花女》(LaTraviata)的巡演版。

    Mr. Gelb , who is working to raise money for the project , hopes to have a traveling version of Verdi 's " La Traviata " ready by June 2016 or 2017 .

  2. 你去看《茶花女》的首场演出了吗?

    Did you go to the first night of La traviata ?

  3. 汉英感叹词语用对比研究&以《雷雨》、《茶花女》双向翻译语料为中心

    A contrastive study of the use of Chinese and English interjections

  4. 老阿芒永远也不会准许儿子跟玛格丽特(茶花女)结婚。

    Old Armond would never grant his son permission to marry Margaret .

  5. 你表现的像你是个茶花女。

    You act as though you were the lady of the camellias .

  6. 哦,她是中国的茶花女。

    Oh , she was the Lady Camelli in China .

  7. 拯救与赎罪&论《茶花女》的宗教主题

    Redemption and Atonement , the Religious Theme of The Lady of the Camellias

  8. 第三部分从戏剧矛盾冲突音乐分析的角度分析歌剧《茶花女》悲剧形象塑造;

    The third part explores the creation of the tragical image through the analysis of the dramatic contradiction .

  9. 矛盾中的道德悲剧&从文学伦理学角度看《茶花女》

    The moral tragedy of contradictions & From the perspective of literary ethics The Lady of the Camellias ;

  10. 《茶花女》并不是一个人的悲剧而是社会造就的一个时代的悲剧。

    But " La Deme Aux Camelias " is not a person 's tragedy is a time tragedy which the society accomplishes .

  11. 联邦探员决定投催泪瓦斯进去,但是他们没有催泪瓦斯,所以几个探员只能上演《茶花女》里女主人去世的一幕。

    The FBI decides to lob in teargas , but they don 't have teargas , so several of the agents put on the death scene from Camellia .

  12. 作为音乐指导他指导了第一、第三届中央音乐学院音乐节公演剧码《弄臣》、《茶花女》等歌剧选场的音乐作业。

    Musical director of selected scenes of public opera performance'Rigoletto ' , 'La Traviata'as well as others in the First and Third Music Festival of Central Conservatory of Music .

  13. 从法国叙事学家格雷玛斯的结构主义符号学的观点出发,运用其叙事语法的主要理论,分析法国著名作家小仲马的小说《茶花女》中的爱情故事及其深层的意义。

    From the viewpoint of French Glaymas structuralist semiotic , we analyze the love story and the deep significance of Dumas of Dumas novel the fallen woman with the theory of narrative grammar .

  14. 《茶花女》自诞生以来,以小说、话剧等形式广为流传,深受各国读者的喜爱,有着重要的文学研究价值。

    " La Deme Aux Camelias " since the birth , by forms and so on novel , modern drama has spread widely , the various countries'reader 's affection , has deeply the important literature research value .

  15. 此部小说很有趣,尤其因为这是一个真实故事的直接换位,这个故事是作者的亲身经历,也因为茶花女是个真实的人物。

    The novel is interesting especially because this is the literally transposition of a true story , experienced by the author himself , as well as because " The lady of the camellias " was a real character .

  16. 歌剧《茶花女》是19世纪伟大的意大利作曲家威尔第的代表作,在世界歌剧历史上占有重要的一席之地,是一部不朽的艺术珍品。

    As the magnum opus of the great Italian musician Giuseppe Verdi in 19 ~ ( th ) century , Opera La Traviata is a classical works of enduring fame , which occupies an important place in the history of opera .

  17. 《茶花女》是十九世纪法国作家、戏剧家小仲马创作的小说和话剧,意大利歌剧作曲家威尔第据此创作了歌剧。

    " The Lady of the Camellias " is a novel and drama created by the French writer and playwright Alexandre Dumas ( Fils ) in the nineteenth century , based on which the Italian opera composer Giuseppe Verdi wrote his work with the name " La Traviata " .