
  • 网络tea;Tea science
  1. 基于被引率统计的中文茶学论文价值分析

    Evaluation of Chinese Tea Science Literature Based on the Statistical Analysis of The Cited Rate

  2. 我国在农业院校中设立的茶学专业,是世界50多个产茶国家中绝无仅有的。

    The tea science speciality that established in China 's agricultural universities is unique in more than 50 tea-producing countries in the world .

  3. 茶学专业教学改革的研究

    The study on the reform in education of the tea speciality

  4. 现代互联网环境下茶学文献的高效获取

    Efficiently Accessing and Acquirement of Tea Literature under Modern Internet Condition

  5. 我国高校特色专业茶学的特色

    Characteristic of the Tea Science Speciality in China 's University

  6. 中国近现代茶学教育的诞生和发展

    The Birth and Development of China 's Modern Education of Tea Subject

  7. 中国茶学文献的关键词研究

    Study on Key Words of Tea Literatures in China

  8. 在茶学研究中正确应用统计分析方法的思考&对《茶树良种苗期生物产量与光合特性的相关研究》等文统计分析的商榷

    Consideration on the correct application of the statistical analysis method in tha research

  9. 加快茶学学科发展的研究与实践

    Research and practice of accelerating the tea science development

  10. 茶学专业教学实验室设计及装备标准的研究Ⅱ.实验室装备

    Design and equipment of teaching laboratory for tea speciality ⅱ . equipment of teaching laboratory

  11. 综述了获取茶学文献的传统方法和现代网络条件下的新途径。

    The traditional way and the modern way with internet environment for searching and acquiring tea literatures were surmised .

  12. 矿质元素是茶叶不可缺少的组分,茶叶中矿质元素的研究是茶学研究的重要内容。

    Mineral elements are indispensable component of the tea , and so the study of them are one of the most important aspect in tea studies .

  13. 研究基于描述逻辑的茶学领域本体知识逻辑检测方法;设计基于茶学领域本体的智能检索模型。

    The paper researches the logic checking method of tea domain ontology knowledge based on Description Logics , and designed the intelligent retrieval model based on tea domain ontology .

  14. 比如:茶文化活动与茶叶营销;茶文化产业的营销;茶博物馆的功能;茶学教育。

    The means includes the tea cultural activities and tea marketing , the promotion of tea cultural industry , the functions of tea museum and the education of tea sciences .

  15. 介绍了基因工程、细胞工程、发酵工程和酶工程在茶学领域的应用,以推动茶叶科学的发展。

    In the paper , application of genetic engineering , cell engineering , fermentation engineering and enzyme engineering were introduced , so as to drive the development of tea science .

  16. 近10年间茶学文献发表总量呈抛物线型增长趋势,但2001年首次出现下降。

    The total amounts of tea literature showed a parabola type developing trend during the last 10 years , whereas , the published tea literature in 2001 decreased in the first time .

  17. 文章还介绍了一些科技文献资料的网络数据库资源以及通过这些资源获取茶学文献的具体方法。

    The paper also introduced some major resources which contain tea literatures , and as well as the concrete step in detail to search and acquire the required tea literature from these databases .

  18. 陆羽的《茶经》是世界上最初的茶学书籍,问世以来对茶学和茶业的发展发挥了非常重要的作用。

    " Tea Classic " written by Lu Yu was the first book on tea in the world and has been greatly influencing on tea studies and tea industry development since it became available .

  19. 所以,茶谚不只是我国茶学或茶叶文化的一宗宝贵遗产,从创作或文学的角度不看,它又是我国民间文学中的一枝娟秀的馨花。

    So , tea is not just saying my tea leaves or a valuable cultural heritage , from the perspective of literary creation or not , it is our folk literature in a Juanxiu of Xin Hua .

  20. 在研究中充分运用天然产物化学、制茶学、茶叶生物化学、酶学和计算机辅助设计等学科理论知识和方法,借鉴高通量筛选、酶学分析法等新的研究手段系统开展工作。

    Making full use of scientific theories and methods , such as Natural products chemistry , Tea-processing , Tea-biochemistry , Enzymology , Computer-aided design and so on , then drawing on the new research system of high-throughput screening and enzyme analysis to carry on the study .