
  • 网络pesticide and fertilizer
  1. 河北平原地下水质变及农药化肥施用量变化影响

    Variation of Groundwater Quality and Influence of Pesticide and Fertilizer on Hebei Plain

  2. 农药化肥合剂的开发与研制

    Development of the chemical fertilizer with pesticide

  3. 人为因素如围垦、污水排入湖泊、过量使用农药化肥和湖泊淤积加剧了太湖流域水环境问题的发展。汉江水华问题研究

    Which intensify the environmental problems in the catchment . Study on algalbloom in Hanjiang River

  4. 在净化装置的尾部设置农药化肥进料口。

    A tail part of the purifying device is provided with a pesticide fertilizer inlet orifice .

  5. 无公害茶叶农药化肥的合理使用和污染防治农药、化肥与农业污染

    Rational Usage on Pesticide and Chemical Fertilizer of Pollution Free Tea and It 's Control Countermeasures

  6. 废水排放量较大且以工业废水为主,并且农药化肥使用量也较大。

    The amount of wastewater is large and most of the wastewater is from the industry , also the large amount of fertilizer and pesticide is used .

  7. 导致这一演替的主要原因为作物布局、耕作制度、栽培方法、管理技术的变化和农药化肥的过量施用。

    The main reason for this succession might be the changes in crops distribution , cultivation type , planting method , management technique and over-use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers .

  8. 小城镇水环境污染源包括小城镇污水、畜禽粪便及废水、农药化肥等造成的农业面源污染。

    The pollution sources of water environment in small towns include sewage discharged from small towns , polluted water from poultry farms , pollution resulted from pesticide and chemical fertilizer .

  9. 从乡镇企业排污、农药化肥的使用、污水灌溉农田等三个方面,对农村水环境存在的主要问题进行了重点分析,提出了农村水污染防治对策。

    The principal problems are analyzed from three respects , i.e.pollution from township enterprises , the use of farm chemicals , and wastewater irrigation . Finally , some countermeasures are suggested .

  10. 指导农村开展清洁种植和清洁养殖,取缔分散式畜禽养殖控制农村生活源、农业源,畜禽养殖业、水产养殖等污染,退耕还林还草;禁止施用农药化肥。

    Meanwhile , guide the countryside to develop clean planting and breeding , clamp down distributed livestock and poultry , control rural life source , agricultural source , livestock farming and aquaculture and so on .

  11. 不合理的灌溉排水措施造成了农药化肥的大量流失,导致了稻田周围水体的污染,同时也会影响水稻的生长发育和最终的产量。

    Unreasonable irrigation and drainage measures caused a huge loss of pesticides and chemical fertilizers , and it led to water pollution around the paddy fields , and it will also affected the growth and development of the rice and production eventually .

  12. 本文简要论述了通过改善稻田生态系统,规范农事操作,保护和利用水稻害虫的天敌,合理使用农药化肥等措施,建立完善的稻田生态系统,并建立病、虫害监测机制。

    The thesis discoursed that use some natural enemy such as improve the ecosystem of paddyfield , standard the fanning , protect and utilize the natural enemy of pest , utilize agricultural chemical and fertilizer et al to set up perfect ecosystem of paddyfield and monitor mechanism .

  13. 由于经济的迅速发展,工业三废的排放及农药化肥的大量使用正在日益污染着我们赖以生存的土壤,如土壤重金属污染问题已成为人们关注的全球性环境问题之一。

    With rapid economic growth , discharge of three industrial wastes and mass use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers are increasingly contaminating the soil on which we depend for existence . For example , heavy metal soil contamination has become one of environmental concerns attracting global attentions .

  14. 结合江汉平原实际农作物种植现状,基于提高农民收益和降低农药化肥使用量以达到保护江汉平原现有水资源的双重目的,构建了江汉平原农作物种植结构调整模型;

    On the basis of present crop planting situations in the Jianghan Plain , an optimization model for crop planting structure adjustment is constructed to increase the peasants ' income and to reduce the consumption of chemical fertilizer , thus to protect water resource in the Jianghan Plain .

  15. 配合甲方提供的农药、化肥进行养护。

    Provide maintenance with the pesticide and fertilizer from Party A.

  16. 无公害果品生产中农药与化肥的使用技术

    The technology about using the pesticide and fertilizer in produce environmental fruits

  17. 农药,化肥,种子都要从他手过。

    He controls all the supplies , insecticide , fertilizers , seeds , everything .

  18. 农药,化肥以及抗生素残留是危害食品健康的三大安全隐患。

    Remains of pesticide , fertilizer and antibiotics are the three hidden safety concerns .

  19. 公司的业务范围覆盖农药、化肥的各个领域。

    The business scope of the company covers all fields of pesticides and chemical fertilizers .

  20. 农药、化肥污染,养殖生产、农村生活及农业垃圾污染也十分严重。

    The pollution caused by the production and living in rural areas was also very serious .

  21. 农民使用大量的农药和化肥造成环境污染;

    Peasants use a great deal of pesticide and fertilizer to cause the problem of environmental pollution ;

  22. 本文介绍了蔬菜中化学农药、化肥、重金属等有害物质的污染及其防治方法。关键词:化学农药、化肥、硝酸盐、重金属、污染、防治。

    Introduced pollution and control method of pesticide , chemical fertilizer , nitrate and heavy metals in vegetable .

  23. 这时,如果再不断摄取含有农药、化肥、抗生素等有害残留的牛奶,将会加重身体解毒器官的负担。

    Drinking milk containing harmful remains of pesticide , fertilizer and antibiotics , can become a burden on the body .

  24. 其污染原因是生活污水、工业废水的排放和农药、化肥的施用等。

    And drainage of domestic wastewater and industrial sewage and use of pesticide and fertilizer were the main causes of pollution .

  25. 通过稻、鸭之间的共生互作,共生期不施用任何农药和化肥,进行优质无公害水稻生产。

    The production of nuisanceless rice was conducted by the technique of rice-duck mutualism without applying any pesticide and chemical fertilizer .

  26. 该技术能减少农药、化肥污染,节省灌溉用水和提高肥料利用率。

    This technology can reduce pesticides and chemical fertilizer pollution , to save irrigation water and to raise the fertilizer efficiency .

  27. 首先,直升飞机式无人机可成为播撒农药和化肥的一种替代方式,农民们也负担得起。

    For starters , helicopter-style drones are expected to offer farmers an affordable alternative for spraying crops with pesticides and fertilizers .

  28. 并进一步从枸杞种植户在农药和化肥等生产要素的不恰当选择和不科学使用上分析了枸杞种植环节质量安全产生的主要原因。

    And further analysis the main causes in planting link from Chinese wolfberry growers are not appropriate choice and unscientific used pesticides .

  29. 农业耕作中减少农药和化肥的施用量,改善农田灌溉系统,减少农业废水排入湖中;

    Pesticide and fertilizer should be reduced in agriculture as well as to improve irrigation system to reduce drain of rural waste water ;

  30. 点源污染能在一定范围内明显地影响土壤铜含量,农药、化肥的投入能在一定程度上影响土壤铜含量。

    Contamination sources could effect the content of Cu and the pesticide and fertilizer could work on the content of Cu in soils .