
  1. 农作物遗传操纵新技术&授粉后外源DNA(基因)导入植物的生物工程育种技术

    A New Biotechnique for Genetic Manipulation of Crops ── Introduction of Exogenous DNA ( Gene ) into Plant after Pollination

  2. 并对各种技术尤其是的原生质体融合及研究热点&生物工程育种技术从技术原理及应用上作了较为详细介绍。

    The protoplast fusion breeding and biotechnology breeding are introduced here in detail .

  3. 综述了现代生物工程育种技术、酵母菌流加培养、干燥技术的研究进展,并展望了发展前景。

    In this paper , the research progress in modern bioengineering breeding techniques , fed-batch culture of microzyme , and drying techniques were reviewed and their development prospects were discussed .

  4. 综述了近年来国内外农用抗生素生产上常用的几种高产菌株育种技术的研究进展,内容包括:自然选育、诱变育种、基因重组育种、生物工程育种技术。

    The article reviews the advance on the breeding technology of high yield stains in agricultural antibiotic , including natural selecting breeding , mutation breeding , gene recombination breeding and biotechnology breeding .

  5. 荠蓝是一种新型油料作物,是通过现代生物技术与传统育种技术相结合,培育出的高产优质油料作物新品种。

    Camelina sativa is a new oil crop , which was obtained by modern biological and traditional breeding technologies .

  6. 生物育种指运用生物学技术原理,培育所需要的生物品种的过程。

    The bio-breeding refers to the use of the principle of biological techniques to nurture the process of biological species .