
nóng zuò wù
  • crops;farm plant
农作物 [nóng zuò wù]
  • [crops;farm plant] 能大批长成或大面积收获,供盈利或口粮用的植物(例如谷物、蔬菜、棉花、亚麻等)

农作物[nóng zuò wù]
  1. 因天气寒冷,农作物今年成熟得晚。

    Because of the cold weather the crops are later this year .

  2. 农作物定期喷洒杀虫剂。

    The crops are regularly sprayed with pesticides .

  3. 这些昆虫可严重危害农作物。

    These insects can wreak havoc on crops .

  4. 主要农作物为水稻。

    The staple crop is rice .

  5. 一些主要农作物由于遭受虫害而歉收。

    Several key crops failed when they were attacked by pests .

  6. 他种农作物主要是为了家庭自用。

    He raises crops mainly for the use of his family .

  7. 农作物仅占美国出产物极小的一部分。

    The crop represents a tiny fraction of U.S. production .

  8. 也许可以将这种技术应用于其他农作物。

    It might be possible to extend the technique to other crop plants .

  9. 他说干旱已经连续两年导致农作物严重歉收。

    He said drought had led to severe crop failure for the second year running

  10. 受污染的水源会降低农作物产量。

    Polluted water lessens crop yields .

  11. 这些村庄全部都被冲走了。道路和桥梁都被破坏了,农作物也全毁了。

    Entire villages have been washed away . Roads and bridges have been destroyed and crops ruined .

  12. 他一向不厌其烦地尝试播种农作物的各种方法。

    He was never weary of experimenting with different ways of planting his crops .

  13. 他们使用特殊的化学物质来促进农作物的生长。

    They use special chemical substances to accelerate the growth of crops .

  14. 我们种多种农作物,包括白菜、小麦和大麦。

    We grow a variety of crops , including cabbages , wheat and barley .

  15. 天气会影响农作物。

    The weather influences the crops .

  16. 我的目标是具有非洲价值的农作物。

    I 'm targeting crops that are of African value .

  17. 已有充分的理由可以说明农作物为什么不使用干旱防御。

    There are good reasons why crop plants do not use dryness defenses already .

  18. 它们还被用来计算单个水果的数量,检查农作物,甚至拔除杂草。

    They have been created to count individual fruit , inspect crops , and even pull weeds .

  19. 该昆虫也叫番茄叶虫,以果实为食物,并钻入植株的茎内移动来破坏农作物。

    The insect , also known as the tomato leaf miner , devastates crops by feeding on fruits and digging into and moving through stalks .

  20. 如今,她们正试图弄清楚哪些分子信号转导过程激活了复苏植物的种子发育基因——以及如何将其复制到农作物上。

    Now they are trying to figure out what molecular signaling processes activate those seed-building genes in resurrection plants — and how to reproduce them in crops .

  21. 南非开普顿大学的生物学家吉尔·法兰特表示,对那些想在降雨量无法预测的地方种植农作物的人来说,大自然有很多答案。

    Biologist Jill Farrant of the University of Cape Town in South Africa says that nature has plenty of answers for people who want to grow crops in places with unpredictable rainfall .

  22. 考虑到这种昆虫也可能危害诸如胡椒和土豆等农作物,尼日利亚农业部部长奥杜·奥贝赫警告说,这种害虫可能“对国家的粮食安全造成严重危害”。

    Given the moth 's ability also to attack crops like pepper and potatoes , Audu Ogbeh , Nigeria 's minister of agriculture , has warned that the pest may " create serious problems for food security " in the country .

  23. 即一些世界主要农作物产量增长速度减缓。

    This is the decline in the growth in yields of some of the world 's major crops .

  24. 研究者采集了水稻、小麦、玉米和大豆这四种最重要的农作物的大量数据。

    The authors take a vast number of data points for the four most important crops : rice , wheat , com and soyabeans .

  25. 研究者们指出,“我们偏向专注于提高喂养动物和为汽车提供能源的农作物的产量,而不是能养活人类、作为世界大部分地区食物保障基础的作物。”

    The authors note that " we have preferentially focused our crop improvement efforts on feeding animals and cars rather than on crops that feed people and are the basis of food security in much of the world . "

  26. 没有冰川的保护,水会不时地汇入河流危及农作物。

    Without the glaciers , water will arrive in the rivers at times when it can damage crops .

  27. 尼罗河两岸易于耕种和生产农作物。

    The Nile 's banks were easy to farm and produce crops .

  28. 沙漠得到了水的灌溉,农作物也不会被害虫吃掉。

    The deserts are irrigated with water and crops are no longer eaten by pests .

  29. 农作物必须及早收割。

    The harvest must be reaped in good time .

  30. 农作物轮作有助于防止水土流失。

    Crop rotation helps prevent soil erosion .