
nóng mín
  • farmer;peasant;peasantry;husbandman;boor
农民 [nóng mín]
  • 长时期从事农业生产的人

农民[nóng mín]
  1. 经济改革给农民带来了相对的财富。

    Economic reform has brought relative wealth to peasant farmers

  2. 那迫使农民们努力在陡峭的山坡上勉强维持生计。

    That forced peasant farmers to try to eke a living off steep hillsides

  3. 农民至今还在谈论1999年的大严寒。

    Farmers still talk about the big freeze of ' 99 .

  4. 农民让土地休耕现在得到了回报。

    Farmers are now paid to let their land lie fallow .

  5. 对农民的补贴将在明年之前逐步废除。

    Subsidies to farmers will be phased out by next year .

  6. 在干旱时期配给农民的水量减少。

    Water allotments to farmers were cut back in the drought .

  7. 农民正在努力对付蛞蝓的大肆侵害。

    Farmers are struggling to cope with an invasion of slugs .

  8. 成千上万赤贫的农民急切盼望搬到城里去。

    Thousands of impoverished peasants are desperate to move to the cities .

  9. 农民靠丰收才能活命。

    The peasants depend on a good harvest for their very existence .

  10. 恶劣的天气给许多农民造成了困难。

    The bad weather is causing problems for many farmers .

  11. 对许多农民来说,庄稼歉收就意味着灾难。

    The crop failure spelt disaster for many farmers .

  12. 这片土地租给别的农民了。

    The land is rented out to other farmers .

  13. 农民将游说国会提高对农业的补贴。

    Farmers will lobby Congress for higher subsidies .

  14. 农民在收获季节里十分忙碌。

    Farmers are extremely busy during the harvest .

  15. 农民应是乡村的保卫者。

    Farmers should be guardians of the countryside .

  16. 新法规使农民受益。

    Farmers are profiting from the new legislation .

  17. 农民奋起反对奴役他们的人。

    The peasants arose against their masters .

  18. 劳工部长将与这一地区的农民举行对话会。

    The minister of labour will be holding an imbizo with farmers in the area .

  19. 农民威胁说要造反。

    The peasants threatened to revolt .

  20. 农民起来造反了。

    The peasants rose in revolt .

  21. 中世纪时,drab(“本色布”)一词指的是一种农民用来制衣的非常普通的羊毛织物。

    In the Middle Ages the term ' drab ' denoted a very simple type of woollen cloth which was used by peasants to make their clothes .

  22. 这些补助金用于减轻农民因难以预测的恶劣天气而遭受的损失。

    The subsidies are designed to cushion farmers against unpredictable weather .

  23. 农民提高产量就能使食物更加便宜。

    More productive farmers have been able to provide cheaper food .

  24. 农民能够得到某种具体的税收待遇。

    A farmer is entitled to a certain particularized tax treatment .

  25. 许多农民然后就会凶巴巴地把你从他们的土地上撵走。

    Many farmers will then chase you off their land quite aggressively

  26. 数百名士兵被临时派去帮助农民。

    Several hundred soldiers have been seconded to help farmers .

  27. 几个世纪以来,那里的农民只能勉强维持生计。

    For centuries farmers there have only just managed to survive

  28. 俄罗斯农民濒临消亡。

    The Russian peasantry stood on the brink of disappearance .

  29. 他们向农民出价每蒲式耳2.15美元收购玉米。

    They are offering farmers $ 2.15 a bushel for corn

  30. 采用传统的方法,贫穷的农民基本上能自给自足。

    Using traditional methods poor farmers can be virtually self-sufficient .