
nónɡ yè ɡōnɡ chénɡ xué
  • agricultural engineering
  1. 为此,简要介绍了Internet上的农业工程学文献资源,包括农业工程学方面数据库、图书、电子期刊、学会与会议信息、重要网站、邮递列表与新闻组等信息,旨在为农业工程工作者提供参考。

    In this article , the agricultural engineering literature resources on Internet are introduced , including databases , books , e-journals , academic society and meeting , important websites , mailing lists and newsgroups . Some search engines and their searching method is also discussed .

  2. 农业建筑工程是农业工程学中一个分支,现代农业牛产要求控制环境,这个环境就需要建筑工程来保证。

    The paper states following points : Agricultural building and structure engineering is a branch of agricultural engineering science . The modern agriculture needs the environmental control for its production . Agricultural buildings and structures are the guarantee of the agricultural productive environments .

  3. 线性规划在农业系统工程学中的应用

    The application of linear programming in agricultural system engineering

  4. 职业学校和技术学校的相关课程包括农业,工程学,商务管理和旅游。

    Courses available at vocational and technical school include farming , engineering , business studies and tourism .

  5. 各州要出售这些土地并用这些钱建设教授农业学、工程学和军事科学的学校。

    States were to sell the land and use the money to establish colleges to teach agriculture , engineering and military science . A congressman from Vermont , Justin Smith Morrill , wrote the legislation .

  6. 农业机械化专家小组农业工程学专家小组

    Group of Experts on Mechanization of Agriculture Panel of Experts on Agricultural Engineering

  7. 按照现在科学发展的情况,农业科学包含着农业生物学、农业工程学和农业经济学三大分支科学。

    The paper stated that the agricultural science consists of three main branches , agricultural biology , agricultural engineering and agricultural economics .