
  • 网络cultivation culture;farming;farming culture
  1. 论现代农业对传统农耕文化的继承和发展

    On Inheritance and Development of Traditional Cultivation Culture for Modern Agriculture

  2. 时至今日由于生态环境恶化等原因,贵州农耕文化的发展面临巨大的挑战。

    The development of the cultivation culture is faced with a giant challenge for the reason of worsen ecology enviroment in Guizhou today .

  3. 本文重点研究农地利用模式与农耕文化之间的关系。

    This thesis focuses on the relationship between ALUM and agri-culture .

  4. 回顾历史,许多农耕文化都有庆祝丰收节的传统。

    Throughout history , many agrarian cultures have celebrated end-of-harvest festivals .

  5. 浅析我国彝族社会传统家庭中农耕文化的传承

    Analysis of Farming Cultural Inheritance in Traditional Family of Yi Society

  6. 中国文化是发源于黄河流域的农耕文化。

    Chinese culture originated in the Yellow River valley farming culture .

  7. 此外,民以食为天,农业文明始终是贯穿于我国历史文明的一根主线,农耕文化在我国有着悠久的历史传统。

    Agriculture civilization is all along throughout our country history .

  8. 白族水崇拜与农耕文化

    The Bai nationality 's water - worship and plough culture

  9. 岭南史前稻作农耕文化述论

    An Analysis about South China pre-historical Paddy Agricultural Till Culture

  10. 试论尧舜禹传说与农耕文化的关系

    Correlation Between Legends About Yao , Shun and Yu and Farming Culture

  11. 农耕文化:西部大开发中的非经济抗阻因素

    Agricultural Civilization : The Non-economical Obstructions to the Western Development in China

  12. 浙东文化的新变局&从农耕文化到海洋文化的蜕变

    The New Eastern Zhejiang Culture & Transformation from Agricultural Culture to Marine Culture

  13. 从苗语词语看苗族农耕文化

    Views on Agricultural Culture through Some Miao Language Words

  14. 这成为农耕文化型舞蹈的又一特征。

    This is another feature of the farming dances .

  15. 古典诗歌的主题与传统的农耕文化

    The Theme of Classic Poems and Traditional Farming Culture

  16. 其境内有着类型多样的农耕文化旅游资源。

    It teems with various farming cultural tourism resources .

  17. 哈尼族的南迁与稻作农耕文化

    On the Hani Southern Migration and Rice-farming Culture

  18. 世纪之交的深刻反思加快发展的思想前导&成都市开展农耕文化讨论的思考

    Discussion on the Agrarian Culture in Chengdu

  19. 山西省农耕文化及观光休闲农业发展浅析

    Primary Analysis on Farming Culture and Growth of Rural Sightseeing / Leisure Tour in Shanxi

  20. 农耕文化一个最显著的特点是男耕女织。

    The feature of farm cultivation is men do farm work and women do housework .

  21. 农耕文化与游牧文化是我国传统的两大主体文化。

    The plowing culture and the nomadic culture are two traditional principal cultures in China .

  22. 农业是一种文化,中国的传统文化就是农耕文化。

    Agriculture is one kind of the culture , Chinese traditional culture is the farming culture .

  23. 这种传统的农耕文化劣根性,不妨称之为“侏儒文化”。

    We can call this deep-rooted bad habits of farming culture as " Dwarf Culture " .

  24. 西北农耕文化的象征与隐喻&兰州太平鼓文化初探

    The Lanzhou Taiping Drum 's symbol and metaphor on culture of agriculture in northwest of China

  25. 黄帝开创了传说时代游牧文化与农耕文化的融合

    The Blending of the Nomadic Culture and Farming Culture Created by Huangdi in the Legend Times

  26. 桑是中国古代农耕文化的象征,承载着丰富的文化信息。

    Sang is the symbol of agricultural civilization of ancient China , bearing abundant cultural information .

  27. 游牧文化和农耕文化联手打造辉煌&秦统一论纲(一)

    Refulgence made by combining nomadic culture with farming culture & Qin Dynasty unification ( first );

  28. 开发我国乡村旅游资源,要注意农耕文化的灌注,提高其文化品位;

    Developing China 's village tourism resources entails the instillation of agric-culture and raise of cultural taste .

  29. 第二部分介绍了档案与社会文化的渊源,分别叙述了档案与原始文化、农耕文化、工业文化和现代文化的关系。

    This part narrates the relationship between primitive culture , farming culture , industry culture and modern culture .

  30. 褒扬工业文明、否定农耕文化是茅盾创作的基本价值倾向。

    It is the basic value of Mao 's creation to praise industrial civilization and refute agricultural culture .