
  • 网络aaa;the Agricultural Adjustment Act
  1. 1933年的农业调整法也承认市场合同和指令。

    The 1933 Agricultural Adjustment Act had also authorized marketing agreements and orders .

  2. 《1938年农业调整法》与常平仓:美国当代农业繁荣的保障

    A Safeguard for the Prosperity of the Modern American Agriculture : The Ever Normal Granary and the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938

  3. 中国经济思想史研究的意义:以美国《1933年农业调整法》为例

    The Significance of the Study of the History of the Chinese Economic Thought : an American Example in the 1930s

  4. 富兰克林d罗斯福总统于1933年上任,他首先提出的措施之一就是“农业调整法”,国会随即通过了这一法案。

    One of the first measures proposed by President Franklin D.Roosevelt when he took office in1933 was the agricultural adjustment act , which was subsequently enacted by congress .

  5. 文章通过翔实的史料和多方论证,首次揭示了在20世纪30年代美国新政期间,常平仓思想作为美国农业立法中《农业调整法》的思想基础之一渊源于中国。

    With adequate historical data , this author tries to show that the idea of the Ever Normal Granary in the Agriculture Adjustment Act of the 1930s , which laid the foundation of the current American agricultural legal structure , originated from ancient Chinese economic thought .

  6. 美国农业稳定的保障:常平仓与《农业调整法》

    Ever normal granary and the Agricultural Adjustment Act ( 1938 ), a safeguard for the stability of American agriculture ;