
  • 网络Agriculture;Agronomy;Agronomie
  1. 农业学方面的许多概念正在反过来对植物学起了促进作用。

    A lot ideas are feeding back from agriculture into botany .

  2. 他们大多拥有生态学,农业学,生物学或环境科学的学士学位。

    They generally hold a bachelor 's degree in fields such as ecology , agriculture , biology or environmental science .

  3. 近十几年来,农业学大寨运动的研究取得了令人瞩目的成绩。

    This academic thesis holds that the research of " Emulating Da-Zhai on Agriculture " campaign has achieved spectacular achievements in the past two decades .

  4. 各州要出售这些土地并用这些钱建设教授农业学、工程学和军事科学的学校。

    States were to sell the land and use the money to establish colleges to teach agriculture , engineering and military science . A congressman from Vermont , Justin Smith Morrill , wrote the legislation .

  5. 农业推广学在豫玉22号推广中的应用

    Application of Agricultural Popularization in Promotion of Maize Hybrid Yuyu 22

  6. 农业社会学:渊源、发展及其主要理论问题

    Sociology of Agriculture : Origin , Development and Its Major Theoretical Issues

  7. 农业策划学的理论与方法

    Theory and Method of Strategy Planning of Agriculture

  8. 作物系统模拟技术是农业信息学研究的关键技术之一。

    The crop system simulation is one of the key technologies in agricultural information studies .

  9. 农业灾害学学科建设构想

    Conception of establishment of agricultural disaster science

  10. 《农业推广学》精品课程建设的实践

    Model Curricula Development Practice of Agricultural Extension

  11. 搞农业不学技术不行了。

    It is no longer possible to engage in agricultural work without acquiring these techniques .

  12. 农业地学发展的机遇与挑战

    Opportunities and challenges of agrogeology development

  13. 作物产出的土地条件成为近年来农业地学研究的一个重要领域。

    In recent years , research on land conditions becomes an important area in agriculture research .

  14. 农业物料学的进展

    Advances in Agricultural Material Science

  15. 从农业推广学的角度,分析了豫玉22号得以大面积推广的原因。

    The reasons of broad application of maize hybrid Yuyu 22 were studied from agricultural popularization perspective .

  16. 作为一种被大量使用的农药类别,植物生长调节剂是微量分析、植物生理和生物化学以及现代农业种植学等多种科学技术发展的综合产物。

    As a frequently used types of pesticides , plant growth regulator is an integrated organic product of many kinds of science and technology .

  17. 饮食行业三方技术会议搞农业不学技术不行了。

    Tripartite Technical Meeting for the Food and Drink Industries It is no longer possible to engage in agricultural work without acquiring these techniques .

  18. 今天的中国农大保持着农业优势学利.,发展着多种新兴学科,广泛开展国际交流与合作。

    students or online students.China Agricultural University keeps its superiority in agriculture discipline , exponds new disciplines and greatly develops communication and cooperation internationally .

  19. 土壤调查按研究的目的不同,可分为农业土壤学调查,环境土壤学调查和地球化学土壤学调查。

    According to the aims of various studies , soil survey can be divided as agriculture agrology survey , environment agrology survey , geochemistry agrology survey .

  20. 对于「毕业后能否顺利就业」担心程度较高的前五学门,依序为人文学门、法律学门、农业科学学门、设计学门及传播学门;

    Students of the humanities , law , agriculture , design and communication studies , in that order , were most concerned about not finding their ideal job .

  21. 其次,探寻可持续农业的学理基础,从可持续农业的内涵、目标、原则及其评价把握农业可持续发展的基本要义。

    Secondly , explore the theoretical basis of sustainable agriculture , from the connotation of sustainable agriculture , objectives , principles and evaluation to grasp the basic essence of the sustainable development of agriculture .

  22. 完成的主要工作有:1以农业流变学、机器人学、机器人操作理论为依据,通过弹簧、阻尼器和扭簧的串并联组建5元件的机械模型。

    The completed work is generalized as follows : 1 . A five-component mechanical model was built with the springs , dampers , and torsional springs through series parallel of them , based on agricultural rheology , robotics , robotic manipulation .

  23. 我国农业地学经历了新中国成立初期的地质为农业服务的区域地质、区域水文地质阶段、为农业发展提供背景的地质服务阶段和为农业及农村经济可持续发展服务的农业生态地质阶段。

    Agrogeology in China went through the regional geology and regional hydrogeology phase of geology serving the agriculture , service phase of serving agriculture development with geological backgrounds , and agroecological geology phase of serving agriculture and sustainable rural economics development .

  24. 高等农业院校金融学专业教学改革构想

    An Idea for Restructuring the Finance Specialty of Agricultural Colleges and Universities

  25. 强化农业高校情报学教育的设想

    Ideas about the strengthening of information education in agricultural universities and Colleges

  26. 农业院校花卉学课程教学改革的实践思考

    About the Teaching Innovation of the Floriculture in Agriculture College

  27. 《农业植物病理学》实验教学方法的探索

    Exploration of Experiment Teaching Methods of Agricultural Plant Pathology

  28. 《农业植物病理学》课程网站的建设

    Construction of Course Website of Agricultural Plant Pathology

  29. 我叫刘芳,毕业于甘肃农业大学果树学专业。

    My name is Liu Fang , and I was graduated from Gansu Agricultural University , majoring in Pomology .

  30. 纽约国际教育学院说农业是其它学课里增长最快的。

    The Institute of International Education in New York says that was the biggest increase of any area of study .