
děnɡ jí zhì
  • hierarchy;graded system
  1. 在苏联的政治等级制下他获得了很高的地位。

    He reached a high level within the Soviet political hierarchy .

  2. 英国贵族阶级属性和等级制的演变

    The Evolvement of Class Nature and Hierarchy of the English Aristocracy

  3. 分析方法主要采用了生产函数模型和OLS计量方法,分别对普查数据中提供的所有制变量和企业隶属等级制变量对于企业效率的影响进行了分析和比较。

    In the main analysis the production function model and OLS methods were adopted to measure the impacts of the ownership and the subordinated relations on the enterprise efficiency .

  4. 本文通过对天山中段植物群落的DCA排序和TWINSPAN等级制分类及其与3个土壤变量的CCA典范对应分析,定量地研究了该区域植被分布与环境之间的相互关系。

    In this paper , the relationship between the vegetation distribution and the environment of the middle stretch of Tianshan M. was quantitatively investigated with the methods of DCA ordination , Twinspan classification and CCA analysis .

  5. 结果表明不存在任意的规范等级制。

    The result shows that there is no arbitrary gauge hierarchy .

  6. 印度种姓制度与凉山彝族等级制

    Indian Caste System the Hierarchy of Yi Nationality in Liangshan

  7. 柔性组织正逐渐取代传统的等级制而成为21世纪企业组织的主要模式。

    Flexible organization becomes a main mode instead of traditional hierarchy organization .

  8. 文官是按照职位的等级制结构组织起来的。

    Civil services are organized in hierarchical structures of offices .

  9. 等级制模式和网络模式是政府间关系的两种模式。

    The intergovernmental relations contain the rank system pattern and the network pattern .

  10. 李翱强调等级制、明君临政和仁政的政治思想正是其经世致用的经学思想和人性思想外化。

    His politics and academic thought was also the practice of his philosophy .

  11. 他们已经创造了一种新的、同政治权力密切结合的“财富等级制”。

    They are creating a new hierarchy of wealth cemented with political power .

  12. 中国国有经济的等级制产权结构及其演变

    Property Right in China 's State owned Economy : Rank 's Institution and Changes

  13. 资本主义以垄断为特征,是等级制的反映。

    While capitalism is characterized by monopoly , which is a reflection of hierarchy .

  14. 等级制和社会网络社会场域中的权力与交换关系

    Hierarchy and social network : the relationship of power and exchange in social contexts

  15. 1992年,泳滩等级制再次进行改革,演变成为今天的制度。

    In1992 , the classification system was further refined into what is the current system .

  16. 作品的基调是维护封建等级制的;

    A keynote of defending feudal hierarchy ;

  17. 第三,如何消除层次班形成的等级制氛围?

    Third , how to remove the " hierarchy " formed by level - class ?

  18. 在这个时期另一个我们经常看到,用来发展团结统一的方法就是领导等级制。

    Another way of developing unity that we see around this time is hierarchical leadership .

  19. 其次,要提高法官素质,改革现行法官等级制。包括严格法官任职条件,确立遴选制度;

    Secondly , we should improve the judges ' qualifications and change the hierarchy system .

  20. 威瑟眼中的智能办公室,由到处都有的聪明物构成等级制。

    In Weiser 's vision of an intelligent office , ubiquitous smart things form a hierarchy .

  21. 不平等的社会资源分配,也随着等级制身份认同的形成而被合理化。

    Unequal public resource distribution pattern in social hierarchy was formatted and rationalized in status identity .

  22. 而且相同的还有,就是在艺术学科范围内也有等级制。

    And in pretty much every system too , there 's a hierarchy within the arts .

  23. 而从其精神蕴含上来分析,儒家伦理中“仁”的模式顺应的是一种等级制安排的差序格局。

    In terms of its spiritual meaning , this benevolence applied only to a hierarchal arrangement of society .

  24. 首领养活他们,奖赏他们,并且按等级制来组织他们;

    The leader provided their keep , gave them gifts , and organized them on a hierarchic basis ;

  25. 权力场境下的人际关系可以分为两种:有尊卑的等级制与无尊卑的等级制。

    Relations among people would turn into hierarchies with or without superiority and inferiority when power is concerned .

  26. 政府间关系调整的一种新视野:从等级制模式到网络模式

    The New Vision of the Adjustment of the Intergovernmental Relation : From Rank System Pattern to Network Pattern

  27. 传统日本人无法脱离等级制和神道信仰的控制,因而当这两点为掌权者利用时,才在精神层面产生了巨大的负面影响。

    Traditional Japanese people could not be divorced from the control of the hierarchy and the Shinto faith .

  28. 他们可以成为一流、权威的领导者,能够在等级制机构和层次结构分明的职业领域胜任高管工作。

    They make classic authoritarian leaders and do well as executives in hierarchical organisations and in highly structured careers .

  29. 中国传统的礼仪制度是在以身份等级制为内核的社会架构中形成的,同时又对传统的社会形态起着维系的作用。

    Traditional Chinese convenance system was derived from a social structure with social-ranking mecha - nism as its core .

  30. 大多数管理机关是等级制,以政治被任命人为长官,他们通常有制定总体政策的责任。

    Most regulatory agencies are hierarchies , headed by political appointees who have the responsibility for establishing general policies .