
  • 网络Equivalent;Equivalence relation;equivalent relation
  1. Fuzzy等价关系在河床演变中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Equivalence Relation to Fluvial Process

  2. 在多项式等价关系下P类的结构

    The Structure of the Class P Under the Polynomial Equivalence Relation

  3. Fuzzy混合等价关系模糊与积分混合控制器

    Fuzzy Mixed Equivalence Relations Fuzzy and Integral Mixed Controller

  4. Fuzzy准等价关系的等价形式

    Equivalent forms of fuzzy weak equivalent relation

  5. 运用等价关系与等价类将n阶矩阵进行了分类。

    By using equivalence relation , makes a classification of n - matrix .

  6. 等价关系矩阵与等价关系在Rough集合中的应用

    Matrix of Equivalence Relations and Its Application in Rough Sets

  7. 纯正半群的格林等价关系H

    Green ′ s equivalence h on orthodox semigroups

  8. 本文得出了求n元集合等价关系个数的递推公式。

    This paper has given out the number of the translation formula of equivalence relation of a n-elements set .

  9. 新模型将Rough集理论的应用范围由等价关系扩展到偏序关系。

    The new model under partial order extends the application of rough set theory on equivalence relation .

  10. 对基于Fuzzy等价关系的动态聚类,则用聚类误差来选择最佳的普通聚类。

    As to the dynamical clustering based on fuzzy relations , the cluster error to find the " good " cluster from them is also defined .

  11. 其次,对于DNA曲线,我们定义了两种等价关系,并得到一些与这两种等价关系相关的计数公式。

    Besides , we define two equivalent relations on the DNA-curves , and count the number of the equivalence classes of DNA sequences .

  12. 重点分析了两种常用的模糊聚类算法:基于等价关系的模糊聚类和模糊k均值聚类。

    The two fuzzy clustering algorithms are mainly analyzed : fuzzy clustering algorithm based on equivalence relation and fuzzy k-means clustering algorithm .

  13. Fuzzy准等价关系是对Fuzzy集进行聚类分析[1]、[2]的工具,本文讨论它的等价形式:Fuzzy划分和Fuzzy准自然映射。

    The Fuzzy weak equivalent relation is a tool for clustering the Fuzzy set . This paper discusses its equivalent forms : Fuzzy partition and Fuzzy nature mapping .

  14. 在所有这些等价关系中,lp(p≥1)类型等价关系有着非常重要的作用。

    In all these equivalence relations , lp-like ( p ≥ 1 ) equivalence relations play an important role .

  15. 证明了相对映射芽的强有限决定性与相对映射芽的通用开折存在性之间的等价关系,即相对映射芽f是强有限决定的当且仅当f具有通用开折。

    We prove the strong relative AS , T finite determinacy of map germs and the relative versal unfolding are equivalent .

  16. 文中主要讨论DEA模型与对策模型之间的等价关系。

    This paper mainly discusses the equivalence relation between the DEA model and the game model .

  17. 非空集合A上的等价关系与A的划分是一一对应的,但A上的二元关系有2AA种,直接确定划分特别是不同划分不容易。

    Equivalence relation in nonempty set A and demarcation of A are one to one correspondence .

  18. 引入了Hilbert空间H中两个广义框架二次逼近和接近的概念,研究了广义框架之间的等价关系。

    The paper is introduced that the concept of two generalized frames quadratic closeness and nearness in Hilbert space H .

  19. 证明了有限域上q多项式、n阶矩阵和线性函数间的等价关系;

    First , a proof of the equivalence is presented among the q-polynomials , matrices of order n and linear functions over finite fields .

  20. 在此基础上,通过与标准H∞控制问题建立等价关系,给出了输出反馈可靠性控制器的设计方法。

    Then , by setting the equivalence between the conditions and the H ∞ control problem , a design method for output feedback reliable controllers is given .

  21. Bernstein算子导数与光滑模的等价关系

    An Equivalent Relation Between the Derivatives of Bernstein Operators and the Modulous of Smoothness

  22. 在D(Γ)的子群Dr(Γ)所规定的等价关系下讨论了等变分歧问题的有限决定性。

    This paper deals with finite determination of equivariant bifurcation problems with multiparameter under the normal subgroup D r (Γ) of the equivalent group D (Γ) .

  23. 研究了自然变换函子〈n〉的同调性质,得到函子〈n〉与F,G在忠实性和可加性之间的等价关系。

    In this paper , the properties of the natural transformation functor are considered . The equivalent relations on additivity and faithfulness between F , G , and the natural transformation functor are obtained .

  24. 一类二维DAE系统在GT&等价关系下的分类

    The Classifications of a Kind of Two-dimensional DAE System under GT-equivalence

  25. 在一定的条件下,建立了无套利、市场均衡及Pareto最优性等概念之间的等价关系。

    As a result , equivalent relations are established between concepts like non - arbitrage and market equilibrium and Pareto optimality under proper conditions .

  26. 综合应用等价关系的动态聚类法和模糊c-均值聚类法对连云港某泊位构件进行了聚类分析,并利用MATLAB模糊工具箱实现了海工结构构件的耐久性模糊评估。

    The samples were analyses of clustering integrated application of dynamic equivalence relation clustering method and fuzzy c-means clustering method ; and the durability of marine structures was assessed using fuzzy toolbox of MATLAB .

  27. 广义Fz等价关系及Fz分类

    General Fuzzy Equivalence Relation and Classification

  28. 本文对Rough集理论的代数观点和信息论观点进行了研究,分析了二者再相容信息系统中的等价关系,并发现了二者在不相容信息系统中的不等价关系。

    The equivalent relationship between the algebra view and information view of rough set theory in consistent information systems is analyzed and the inequivalent relationship between these two views in inconsistent information systems are discovered .

  29. 通过对Fuzzy正则语言与Fuzzy正则文法的关系的讨论,得到了二者的等价关系,这是进一步研究Fuzzy正则语言与Fuzzy有限状态自动机的一个起点。

    In this paper , the relationship between fuzzy regular languages and fuzzy regular grammars is discussed . It is proved that they are equivalent in sence . It is a start of further study of fuzzy languages and fuzzy finite automata .

  30. R是A上等价关系,R的所有等价类构成了等价关系R的商集A/R,商集A/R是集合A的划分。

    R is equivalent relation on A. A / R & the quotient of equivalent relation R is formed of all the equivalence class of R quotient set . A / R is the partition of set A.