
  • 网络number of arrangement;number of permutation;permutation
  1. 无穷可重集的一个有限制排列数

    A Restricted Permutation Number of Infinite Multi-Set

  2. 研究一类特殊的可重复排列性质,建立了一般情形下求这类排列数的递推公式,导出了一些特殊情形下的具体计算公式。

    A sort of3-element permutation with repetitions allowed is studied , and a recurrence relation in general condition is found .

  3. 计算斐波那契数列和错位排列数的增广Petri网模型

    Two Extended Petri Net Models For Computing The Fibonacci Numbers And The Error Position Numbers

  4. 给出Bernoulli数和错位排列数的概率解释,利用概率论方法得到相应的递推公式。

    In this paper , the probabilistic interpretations of Bernoulli number and the number of derangements are given , and their recurrence relation formulae are obtained by using the probabilistic method .

  5. 含排列数与二项式系数的线性微分方程

    Solution of the linear differential equation containing arrangement number and binomial coefficient

  6. 基于二项式系数与排列数的交错级数型欧拉方程

    Euler Equation Based on Alternating Series Number Pattern of Binomial Coefficient and Arrangement Number

  7. 可重复排列数的序数

    Ordinal of Being Duplicated Permutable Number

  8. 这样通过量子计算机选排列数,利用对偶性,对称性,守恒性等等性质,他们根本不需担心怡飞姑娘能飞到哪里去。

    This election ordered number through quantum computer , using duality , symmetry , conservation of nature , etc. , they do not have to worry the Overfly girl could fly to where to go .

  9. 巴西橡胶树是天然橡胶的主要来源,而乳管是橡胶合成与贮存胶乳的器官,乳管的分化和排列数是影响橡胶产量的主要因素。

    Hevea brasiliensis is the only source of commercial natural rubber . Laticifer is the main place of biosynthesis and accumulation of latex in rubber tree . Differentiation and amount of laticifer are the key factors which affect the production of rubber .

  10. 关于排列逆序数的若干公式

    Some Formulas about the Number of Inversions of a Permutation

  11. 当道路由于事故堵塞时,被堵的交通车辆排列长达数英里。

    Traffic tailed back for many miles when the road was blocked by an accident .

  12. 并引入协调效率,排列逆序数等概念,为模型的协调效果评价提供了量化指标。

    Some concepts including cooperation efficiency and sequence inversions are introduced to provide the quantified index for the evaluation of the coordination result .

  13. 本文给出九阶幻方一个新的规律而又便于记忆的填法-映射法,得出和三阶幻方同态的九阶幻方的不同排列个数为2×8~(10)

    This article gives a method of filling in & Mapping , which shows a new law of ninth order 's magic square and is easy to remember .

  14. 存在一个可以排列的连接数限制,在该连接数之后,忽略任何进一步的连接请求。

    There is a limit on the number of connections that can be queued up , after which any further connection requests are ignored .

  15. 结果表明不同性状的边际效应大小的排列为分枝数>产量构成性状(单株荚数、粒数)、产量>茎杆重>百粒重>粒茎比。

    The results showed that the sequence of border effect was : numbers of branches > yield component characters ( pods per plant and number of seeds ) and yield > stem height > heigh per 100 seeds > seed stem ratio .

  16. 在权衡各项处理要求和工作效率情况下,确定了每一排列片线数、满覆盖测线长度、面元尺度、纵横向覆盖次数及排列类型。

    After the balance between various processing demands and work efficiency , the numbers of line in each patch , the length of line for full fold , bin size , folds both in in line and cross line direction and the pattern of spread are defined .

  17. 因此在井网部署方面要确定油、水、气井的排列方式、井数的多少以及井距的大小。

    Therefore , the main tasks in the well network deployment are to determine the placement ways of oil , water , gas wells , their numbers and spacing size .

  18. 本文提出了k均匀排列的概念,讨论了它的一些性质,并求出了几个特殊的k均匀排列数。

    In this paper , k-regular permutations and their properties are shown and the numbers of k-regular permutations for a few special cases are given .