
dà kuò hào
  • brace
大括号 [dà kuò hào]
  • (1) [brace]

  • (2) 一种记号{ },用以连接需一起考虑的、相等的或成对的单词或项目,或者围起从中只选取一个的那些项目

  • (3) 数学中作为集合的一对符号之一

大括号[dà kuò hào]
  1. 您甚至还可以通过使用展开的大括号({})更具体地选择单个文件

    Or you can be even more specific and select individual files using brace ( { } ) expansion

  2. 配置文件内容方面的大多数问题都是由于缺失分号或大括号而引起的。

    Most problems with the content of the configuration file are introduced when a semicolon or brace is missing .

  3. 大括号中的命令更改了当前Shell的工作目录。

    The commands in braces change the working directory of the current shell .

  4. 将命令列表用大括号({})括起来,以在当前Shell中运行。

    Use curly braces ( { } ) to enclose a list of commands to run in the current shell .

  5. hash被表示为使用逗号间隔的一组属性,并且使用大括号括起。

    A hash is expressed as a set of attributes delimited by commas between curly braces .

  6. 在JSP中,获取该字符串,并将其指派到JavaScript变量值的大括号内。

    In JSP , get that string and assign it inside the curly brackets of a JavaScript variable value .

  7. 在最简单的情况下,闭包可以被看作是使用大括号({})包含的任意JavaScript代码。

    In the simplest terms , a closure can be considered to be any JavaScript code contained within curly braces ( { } ) .

  8. 在C语言和一些类似的编程语言中,你也必须搭建同样的架构,同样也得注意前大括号啊,后大括号啊等等这些细节问题。

    Well in C and many similar languages , you have to implement that same bracing structure with your keyboard using an open curly brace and a closed curly brace , so a tiny little detail .

  9. PHP的语法中充斥着美元符号($)和大括号({}),而Python相对来说则更加简洁和干净。

    PHP 's syntax is littered with dollar signs ( $ ) and curly braces ( { } ), while Python is more spare and clean .

  10. 如果把它转换成C语言,你又会看到一些大括号啊,if啊,圆括号啊等等,我们只是借助,之前学过的语法规则。

    But to translate this now to a language C , you 've got some curly braces , you got an if , some parentheses , but now we 're just building on some of the syntax we introduced before .

  11. 一个好的经验法则,以检查是否足够模板语法是可读的是,文件不应该包含HTML代码PHP或大括号回荡。

    A good rule of thumb to check if the template syntax is readable enough is that the file should not contain HTML code echoed by PHP or curly brackets .

  12. 数据绑定通过大括号执行(例如,将TextArea元素的text属性绑定到ActionScriptmessage实例变量)。

    Data binding is performed using braces ( for example , the TextArea element 's text attribute is bound to the ActionScript message instance variable ) .

  13. 当在另一个标记的属性中调用方法时,大括号表示法(正式名称为表达式语言或EL语法)更合适。

    The curly-brace notation ( formally known as Expression Language or EL syntax ) is better suited for times when the method call is embedded in another tag 's attributes .

  14. 在Groovy中,在大括号{}内的所有内容都是代码块,代码块可作为参数来传递类似于高阶函数。

    In Groovy , anything inside curly braces { } is a code block , and code blocks can be passed as parameters , mimicking a higher-order function .

  15. 如果使用Jacl,语法类似于上述的Jython命令,主要区别是Jacl使用大括号代替了中括号

    If using Jacl , the syntax is similar to the Jython commands above , the main difference being the replacement of brackets with braces

  16. Astro(node-xmpp):尽管JavaScript的语法微不足道,看过用大括号划分程序代码的任何人都能看懂,但基于原型的遗留系统一开始还是会造成混乱。

    Astro ( node-xmpp ): While JavaScript 's syntax is really trivial and can be understood by anybody who has seen a curly-braced language , the prototype-based inheritance system can be confusing at first .

  17. 有趣的是,您可以将ActionScript代码放在对象属性引号内部的大括号({})之间,如dataProvider属性所示。

    Interestingly , you can place ActionScript code between curly braces ( { } ) included inside a set of quotation marks for an object attribute , as is seen with the dataProvider property .

  18. 所有大括号都必须匹配良好,并且不能嵌套。

    All curly braces must be well matched and cannot be nested .

  19. 在大括号内,可以包含任何公式。

    Within the braces , you can include any formula .

  20. 在本例中,大括号表示值列表。

    In this case , curly brackets indicate a list of values .

  21. 所有在大括号里面的代码都由我们自己编写。

    Everything inside of the curly braces is the code I am writing .

  22. 大括号用于列矩阵。

    Braces are used for the column matrices .

  23. 突出显示并检查大括号/圆括号匹配

    Highlight and check of matching brackets / parentheses

  24. 自动完成大括号、圆括号和缩进

    Auto-complete of brackets , parentheses , and indentation

  25. 是不是每个点号,大括号,和分号都在合适的位置上?

    Is every period , brace , colon and semi-colon in its right place ?

  26. 不能工作,请使用大括号。否则,会导致一个语法错误。

    Won 't work , use braces . This results in a parse error .

  27. 代码块由大括号包围。

    Blocks of code are surrounded by curly-braces .

  28. 而且,使用大括号({和})时,还能使用多条语句。

    And , with bracketing ( { and } ), you can use multiple statements .

  29. 注意像普通的代码块那样封装在大括号{}内的动作。

    Note the actions enclosed in { } braces , like a normal code block .

  30. 键标记中大括号不匹配。

    Mismatched braces in key label .