
  • 网络big culture;macro culture
  1. 医学伦理与大文化论

    Medical Ethics and Big Culture

  2. 文章主要以建筑为中心,从大文化视角,阐述了现代主义建筑的美学渊源。

    The present paper mainly deals with the aesthetic origin of architecture of Modernism in the perspective of big culture .

  3. 从大文化视角思考城市建筑设计创作

    Considering the Urban Architectural Creation from the View of Great Culture

  4. 立足中华大文化,尽快发展长城学的研究

    To Initiate the Research on the Great Wall Based on Chinese Culture

  5. 竹文化体系由物质和精神两大文化部分所组成,古代竹文化历史悠久,民族特色明显,内涵丰富,格调高雅;

    System of bamboo culture constitute of material and spirit .

  6. 企业文化的三大文化特征

    Three Big Cultural Features about the Culture of Enterprise

  7. 全球化背景下高职教育的大文化意义

    The Great Cultural Significance of Higher Vocational Education at the Background of Globalization

  8. 这两大文化体系,彼此需要互利互惠。

    The two major cultural system , and need each other mutual benefit .

  9. 论建立和谐社会的三大文化基础

    On the Three Main Cultural Foundations for the Establishment of a Harmonious Society

  10. 诺·弗莱的大文化观:来源与表征(一)

    Northrop Frye 's Concept of Megaculture : Source and Features ( I )

  11. 大文化研究存在的问题所谓的文化转向,其实质在于倡导一种内容广泛的文化研究。

    The essence of the so-called abroad Culture study is proposing an abroad study .

  12. 中国十大文化生态旅游目的地潇洒桐庐,富春江畔的山水福地。

    Tonglu , the Landscape and fortune area at the bank of Fuchun River .

  13. 大文化观念认为,文化就是自然的人化。

    That means culture is humanization of nature .

  14. 广告文化向社会大文化的泛化

    Spreading of advertisement culture to grand social culture

  15. 民航企业大文化战略及经济学意义

    Macro-culture of Civil Aviation China and Economic Significance

  16. 后世玉文化的发展始终没有超出这两大文化品质的范围。

    Later , jade culture development has not been beyond the two cultural quality range .

  17. 体育本身蕴含着丰富的文化内涵,是具有极强社会综合性的大文化。

    Enriched with diverse culture , sport is a grand culture featured with social comprehensiveness .

  18. 一个文本的大文化是由整个文本的一个个小文化积累起来的,文本反映的整体文化及其植根于其中的社会文化只能移植或传递,不能翻译;

    Macro culture of the version is accumulated by a great number of micro cultures .

  19. 中国十大文化名酒企业茅台、泸州老窖、剑南春等因正确实施人才战略而得以蓬勃发展。

    The top ten famous liquors enterprises with cultural backgrounds in China such as Maotai Group .

  20. 亚洲伦理思想与三大文化圈

    Asian Ethics and Three Cultural Rings

  21. 推广四进家活动构筑农村大文化

    Development of " four concepts to home " activity extensively and the construction of agricultural culture

  22. 因此,大文化将是发展大学的哲学基础。

    So extended culture should be the foundation of philosophy in the development of the university .

  23. 小印章大文化

    Small seals with great culture

  24. 世界需要大文化

    The world needs grand culture

  25. 直观性、理性、意境,是中国美学“内省”审美意识表现出来的三大文化审美要素。

    " Introspective Consciousness " of Chinese aesthetics has three essential factors : visibility , reason and artistic conception .

  26. 行为文化作为大文化概念的一个类型,由价值取向、行为方式和行为环境等要素构成。社会的强制性规范、传承性规范和文化传播是行为环境的主要构成部分。

    Behavior culture as a type of great culture consists of value orientation , behavior mode and behavior environment .

  27. 中国古代的礼器组合形式分为殷、周两大文化系统。

    The form of ritual vessels suite in ancient China can be divided into Yin and Zhou cultural systems .

  28. 从大文化背景出发审思科技思维中的最佳原则

    Reflecting on the " Optimum Principle " in Scientific and Technological Thinking with General Cultural Background as the Starting Point

  29. 中国十大文化名酒成功案例系列报道之四&文化名酒的口感与工艺特色

    Series Report IV : on Taste & Technical Characteristics of Chinese Top Ten Famous Liquors with Cultural Backgrounds in China

  30. 企业文化作为社会大文化的一个子系统,客观地存在于每一个企业之中。

    The corporate culture is regarded as one stature system of social great culture , every enterprise have it objectively .