
  • 网络sign language teaching
  1. 历经口语教学与手语教学纷争的聋校语言教学模式影响了听觉障碍儿童随班就读的教学模式。

    Language teaching in deaf schools has experienced controversies between oral language teaching and sign-language teaching , which influences teaching models of LRC for hearing-handicapped children .

  2. 运用手语辅助教学应注意的问题

    The problems of Using Sign language to Support Teaching

  3. 最后,将这些研究方法和虚拟人合成技术应用到奥运手语互动教学网页系统中并实现了该系统。

    Finally , the above mentioned technologies and synthesis of virtual human technology , the interactive teaching system in Chinese Sign Language based on WEB for2008 Olympics were implemented .

  4. 本文结合聋生学习语言的特点,提出并分析了在聋校语文教学中关于手语辅助教学存在的四个问题:1、关于量词的教学;

    This article put forward and analyzes four problems of sign language teaching in the school for the Deaf with reference to the characteristics of students who are deaf and mute , including : 1 . Teaching of quantitative words ;