
  • 网络manual workshop
  1. 作为传统PC软件开发的一个分支,嵌入式软件经历了从简单应用到复杂集成,从手工作坊到工程项目开发的发展过程。

    As a branch of traditional PC software , the embedded software has developed from simple to complex , from the integration of manual workshop to project development process .

  2. 随着国内软件业的发展,越来越多的中小型软件企业希望能够摆脱原始的手工作坊式的软件生产方式,通过软件过程改进提高自身的软件能力,增强其企业竞争力。

    With the development of Software industry , more and more medium and small Software enterprise desire to breakaway from the Software production way used by original manual workshop , increase self Software capability by the improvement of software process , and enhance their competing strength .

  3. 然而传统的手工作坊式的软件开发状况并不能满足这一需求,因此在软件复用以及快速集成应用系统的探讨过程中,软件构件技术和面向服务的体系架构(SOA)成为了热点话题。

    However , the traditional " hand-workshop " style of software development situation cannot meet this demand , and therefore in the discussion of the software reuse and rapid integration of application systems , the software component technology and service-oriented architecture ( SOA ) has become the hot spot topic .

  4. 科学技术研究不再是手工作坊式的个体研究,而是具有一定规模的集体研究;

    The research in technology is no longer handiwork but collectivity research to a certainty scale ;

  5. 工业部门的技术含量很低,很多产品都出自家庭式的手工作坊。

    The industrial sector is technologically backward , with most production of the cottage industry type .

  6. 第六代的电影运作最初大都是体制外进行的,民间筹资、海外融资、低成本、小制作、手工作坊式地生产是其主要特征。

    Raising money among the people , overseas financing , low cost , craft production were the main characteristics .

  7. 在过去,州政府机构的手工作坊式的团队确实没有以任何类型的项目生命周期方法学来运行。

    In the past , the agency 's in-house team really wasn 't running with any type of project lifecycle methodology .

  8. 我国的软件企业绝大多数属于中小型软件企业,仍处于手工作坊式单兵作战时代,缺乏行之有效的项目管理规范。

    Many software enterprises in our country are middle or small scale , and they have no effective project management criterion .

  9. 她们经营手工作坊、种植园、制革场、造船厂和各类商店、小旅馆和供膳寄宿处。

    They ran mills , plantations , tanyards , shipyards , and every kind of shop , tavern , and boardinghouse .

  10. 无论是手工作坊,还是高度自动化的现代企业,计划与控制工作始终是企业生产管理的主体。

    Wether in handicraft workshop , or in modern enterprise , enterprise production planning and control is the core of production management system .

  11. 但时至今日,落后的传统工艺和手工作坊的生产方式严重影响了南京板鸭的可持续发展。

    Up to now , the laggard traditional processing technology adopted in small-scale workshops has influenced the sustainable development of dry-cured duck seriously .

  12. 这家工厂以质量第一,用户至上的精神,从一个手工作坊发展成一个大集团公司。

    Maintaining the spirit of quality first , consumers supreme , this factory has Been transformed from an unmechanized workshop into a group company .

  13. 软件自动生成是人类软件开发由手工作坊到半自动化,再到工业化的历程发展的必然趋势。

    Software automatically creating is trend of human software exploitation developed from the manual work to the half automation , then developed into industrialization .

  14. 目前馒头生产一直是手工作坊和间歇式生产,产量低、能耗高、劳动强度大。

    The present-day steamed bread production is a batch process in manual workshops with low output , high power consumption and great labour intensity .

  15. 廉价的交通运输网络、城市的兴起和资本借贷的可行性都促进了制造业从手工作坊到工厂生产的转变。

    Cheap transportation networks , the rise of cities , and the availability of capital and credit all stimulated the shift to factory production .

  16. 当前我国黄酒业发展缓慢,传统手工作坊式生产仍然占主导地位,工业化和现代化程度不高。

    At present , the development of yellow wine industry in China is a bit slow and its industrialization and modernization level is not high .

  17. 进入主要的烘焙区域,我开始意识到,为何这些传统手工作坊面包店是餐厅不可或缺的一部分。

    As I emerged into the main baking area I began to appreciate why these artisanal bakeries are such an integral part of restaurant life .

  18. 当时的伦敦金融城仍是一个充满集市、贫民窟、手工作坊以及工厂的拥挤所在,泰晤士河就如同流动的下水道。

    The City in this era was still a crowded place of markets and slums , workshops and factories , the Thames a flowing sewer .

  19. 生产于景德镇民营手工作坊内,供当时民众使用的青花瓷器,在瓷器发展史上具有重要意义。

    The blue and white porcelains produced in Jingdezheng civilian kiln , provided with popular uses have a great significance in the developing history of porcelain .

  20. 他们的居民将拥有一个集手工作坊与可持续性居住于一身的空间,与此同时竹子也将不断在哥伦比亚在这片肥沃的土地上增长。

    Their occupants will have a handmade and sustainable space to live in , while the bamboo will continually replenish itself in this fertile Colombian region .

  21. 总结分享织带知识大全。30年代,织带都是手工作坊织带精美图片生产,原料为棉线、麻线。

    Summary ribbon body of knowledge to share . 30 's , Ribbon Ribbon exquisite pictures are hand workshop production , raw materials for cotton , twine .

  22. 我国农业的发展,如果仅靠传统的小农户和手工作坊式的企业,是不可能实现现代化的。

    It is impossible to realize the modernization of agriculture in our country if its development only depends on traditionally the small peasant households and the manual workshop-like enterprises .

  23. 从18世纪机器化大生产取代手工作坊生产方式在全球扩张的时起,工伤损害规模的扩大和程度的加深成为不可避免的问题,影响着社会的稳定和发展。

    From the 18th century , when the global expansion of mass production of machinery replaced hand workshop production , the expanding and inevitable work injury affected social stability and development .

  24. 软件工程的目标是致力于提高软件生产效率和软件质量,摆脱手工作坊式开发方式,实现软件的工业化生产方式。

    Software Engineering is committed to the goal of improving software productivity and software quality , from the hands of workshop-style development methods , and implementing the industrialization of software production .

  25. 传统工艺加工的风鹅还采用手工作坊式生产,干湿腌制,自然风干,只能在冬季进行生产加工,生产周期较长,通常需1-2个星期。

    Earlier , dry-cured goose was produced by wet / dry salting and open-air drying in traditional hand cottage just in winter with a long processing cycle of almost 1-2 weeks .

  26. 然后,以一种类似于手工作坊的形式,各种零件集中到一个小社区进行组装。组装是由计件付酬方式由一些家庭在他们家里面完成的。

    Then , in cottage industry fashion , the individual parts are delivered to small communities where the puzzles are assembled on a per-piece compensation basis by family groups working in their homes .

  27. 但随着搜索引擎技术的成熟和网站对搜索引擎优化需求的增加,手工作坊式的网站优化服务已经不能够满足市场的需求。

    But as the search engine technology '? maturation and the demand of web site optimization ' increase , manual optimization service has not been able to meet the demand of the market .

  28. 在生产组织形式上,农村家庭手工业和手工作坊、或手工业与机器工厂在生产工序上存在着互补与合作关系,甚至在同一行业中,手工生产和机器生产长期共存;

    From the organizational form aspect , hand weaving and workshop or machine factory cooperated in the procedure and even in the same trade handicraft and machine industry coexisted in the long time .

  29. 随着CAD/CAM的发展,为了提高市场竞争力,我国传统的印染前工艺处理开始由手工作坊向自动化转变。

    With the development of the CAD / CAM , in order to improve the competitiveness in the market the Chinese traditional previous technics processing has changed to automatization from the method in workshop .

  30. 在全球信息化高速发展的知识经济时代,单纯依靠传统的手工作坊式的软件开发模式已经不能满足用户对软件产品日益增长的需求。

    With the rapid development of global information in the era of knowledge economy , solely relying on traditional hand-style software development mode can no longer meet the increasing user demand for software products .