
  1. LG承认已经在生产可弯曲的智能手机显示屏,我们听到了很多关于使用此项新技术的型号为GFlex的设备的谣言。

    LG has admitted that " bendable and unbreakable " smartphone displays are already in production , and we 've heard plenty of rumors about a device known as the G Flex which features the new tech. Engadget has come across a trio of renders of the upcoming device ,

  2. 那些数据将三星(Samsung)的GearVR和谷歌的Daydream那样的移动虚拟头盔包括在内,移动虚拟头盔比Rift和Vive便宜得多,因为它们用智能手机做显示屏、并使用其运算能力。

    Those figures include mobile VR headsets such as Samsung 's Gear VR and Google 's Daydream , which are much cheaper than the Rift or Vive because they use a smartphone for their display and computing power .

  3. 三星公司在一份声明中说,这款手机的显示屏有一层保护膜,并已经过广泛的测试。

    In a statement , Samsung said the display had a protective layer , and had undergone extensive testing .

  4. 最明显的变化就是,这款手机的显示屏下方有三个按键,而不是只有一个。

    The most obvious change is that it now has three buttons below its display , rather than just one .

  5. 另外,该手机的显示屏和触摸屏零部件也为这家韩国公司自产,成本为75美元。

    The Korean company supplied its own display and touch-screen parts , which added $ 75 to the cost of components .

  6. 这类手机的显示屏在5.5英寸到6英寸之间,预计到2019年以前,它们会占智能手机出货量的超过70%。

    These devices , with display screens from 5.5 to 6 inches , are forecast to make up more than 70 per cent of smartphone shipments by 2019 .

  7. 他们先制作了一个雏形,用了一个旧的诺基亚手机的LCD显示屏,当然还有Arduino。

    And they prototyped with an old LCD screen from a Nokia mobile phone and an Arduino .

  8. TFT-LCD驱动控制芯片作为手机MPU与手机TFT-LCD显示屏之间的接口电路,控制并驱动着TFT-LCD显示屏的彩色显示,其性能直接影响着显示画面的质量和系统功耗。

    As the interface circuit between MPU of mobile phone and TFT-LCD panel , TFT-LCD driving and controlling IC controls and drives the color display of the TFT-LCD panel , its performance influences the display quality and the power consumption of TFT-LCD panel directly .

  9. 这款手机的其他独一无二的设计包括,手机一侧的曲面显示屏,这种显示屏使用了康宁公司(CorningInc.)首次推出的球形玻璃,这种设计是为了鼓励用户在放手机的时候把电子墨水屏幕一侧朝上放置。

    Other unique elements include a curved display on one-side , using a first-of-its kind rounded glass from Corning Inc. , designed to encourage users to always point the e-paper screen up when putting the phone down .

  10. 图片上的手机不是标准的iphone7的样子,从图片上可以很清楚地看出该手机的显示屏比iphone7的大,手机上方左侧的凹槽位置上是前置摄像头、耳机和传感器。

    But rather than show a standard iPhone 7 , the picture clearly shows a handset with a larger full-front display with a notch left at the top for the front-facing camera , earpiece and sensors .