
dān ɡànɡ
  • horizontal bar;horizontal bar gymnastics
单杠 [dān gàng]
  • [horizontal bar;horizontal bar gymnastics] 水平位置固定的杆,用于体操运动,也指使用这种器械比赛的体操项目

单杠[dān gàng]
  1. 而使用E组或SE的单飞、发展E+D以上不同类型的高难动作直接,及运用SE的空翻为下法等,将是新奥运周期男子单杠技术发展的新动向。

    And using E-group or SE single fly , developing direct links of various E + D-plus exceedingly difficult movements , and dismounting with SE somersault , will be the new trend of men 's horizontal bar in the new Olympic period .

  2. 对世界男子单杠飞行动作的现状及其发展趋势的研判

    The present situation and development of flying on man 's horizontal bar

  3. 他开始放开单杠,当他坠落时我及时接住了他。转过身来,我看到Livia爬上滑梯,头向前直接滑进沙坑,还好她没受伤。

    He started hanging off the monkey bars . I caught him just in time as he fell ! When I turned around , I saw that Livia had got onto the slide and slid head first into the sandbox ! Good thing she wasn 't hurt .

  4. 单杠向后大回环脱手原因分析

    Cause Analysis of Hand Leaving in Horizontal Bar Giant Swing Backward

  5. 他会滔滔不绝地讲给她听,他是多么喜欢单杠运动。

    He talked to her endlessly about his love of horizontals .

  6. 单杠后倒挂膝上与运动生物力学的模糊关系

    The Fuzzy Relationship Between The Single Pole With Knee and Biomechanics

  7. 尔尼:他上星期从单杠桥上摔了下来。

    Ernie : He fell off the monkey bars last week .

  8. 他从单杠上摔了下来,弄断了脖子。

    She fell off the monkey bars and broke her neck .

  9. 认知练习法在体育院系体操普修课低单杠长振屈伸上教学中的应用研究

    Application of Cognition Practice Method in Gymnastics Class in Physical Education Institute

  10. 提高我国优秀体操运动员单杠项目训练水平的研究

    A Study on Raising Chinese Elite Gymnasts ' High Bar Training Level

  11. 我国男子单杠项目与世界体操强国之比较

    Comparison of Man 's Horizontal Bar Between China and the Strongest Nations

  12. 单杠体操机器人切换控制方法研究

    Research on Switching Control Method for the Gymnastic Robot on Horizontal Bar

  13. 有一天,我一个人在外面爬单杠。

    One day I was playing on a horizontal bar by myself .

  14. 三关节单杠体操机器人的倒立稳定控制

    The Hand-stand Control for Three - link Gymnastic Robot on a Horizontal Bar

  15. 现代单杠技术发展回顾及其训练问题

    A Review of Technique Development of Modern Horizontal Bar and Its ' Training

  16. 本系统主要是针对单杠四冲程发动机的控制,经过移植并作相应的调整后,可用于双杠四冲程发动机的控制。

    This system can be used in four-stroke engine by replanting and adjusting .

  17. 体操运动员们在单杠上练习。

    The gymnasts were exercising on the horizontal bars .

  18. 她坐在高高的单杠上哭起来。

    Beth sat high on the monkey bars crying .

  19. 对湖北省男子少儿单杠现状的研究

    A Study on the Present Conditions of Boys ' Horizontal Bar in Hubei Province

  20. 单杠上飞行动作撒手技术的运动学分析

    Kinematic Analysis of the Release skills for the Flight Elements on the Horizontal Bar

  21. 单杠飞行动作的历史发展及其演进规律

    The Historical Development and Evolution Rule of the Flight Elements on the Horizontal Bar

  22. 对我国男子体操运动员单杠技术现状的剖析

    Dissection of the present situation of horizontal bar technique for men gymnasts in our country

  23. 竞技体操单杠项目的发展概述

    The Development of Horizontal Bar Event

  24. 建立力学模型,研究单杠运动中旋转的有关问题

    A discussion of the problem of the rotation on the horizontal-bar by the method of modelization

  25. 单杠回环辅助练习器的设计与训练效果的实验研究

    Designed and Experimental Research in the Training Effects of Swing Assistant Apparatus of the Horizontal Bar

  26. 新规则下世界男子单杠的发展态势分析

    Analysis of the Development of the World 's Men Horizontal Bar Performance under the New Rules

  27. 我撞上了教练,撞上单杠,撞上农科学生,撞上摆动着的铁环。

    I bumped into professors , horizontal bars , agricultural students , and swinging iron rings .

  28. 单杠屈伸上训练器在教学训练中运用效果的实验研究

    The Experimental Research of Applying Effect of Horizontal Bar Jackknife Upward Action Training Apparatus in Teaching Activities

  29. 单杠教学是普通高校女生教学内容之一。

    Bar teaching is one of the teaching contents for girl students in common colleges and universities .

  30. 研究结果表明:(1)所建立的单杠上人体回环运动的模型是可行的;

    The results showed that 1 . The model for giant swing on horizontal bar was feasible ;