
  • 网络Handmade chocolate
  1. 这简直太好吃了!这个手工巧克力很可口。

    That was absolutely scrumptious ! This handmade chocolate is delectable .

  2. 对于收巧克力的人来说更希望收到手工巧克力,因为这代表了自己是女孩心中的唯一。

    A handmade chocolate is usually preferred by the receiver , because it is a sign that the receiving male is the girl 's " only one " .

  3. 还有一家名叫德百丽(Debailleul)的手工巧克力厂,显然更加珍奇有趣。

    Another chocolatier , Debailleul , is decidedly more whimsical .

  4. 有花生酱手工巧克力吗?

    You got any peanut butter Do-Si-Do ?

  5. 饼干卖饼干嘞巧克力曲奇花生酱的手工巧克力巧克力薄荷糖

    Cookies ! Cookies for sale ! Chocolate chip , peanut butter , Do-Si-Do , chocolate mint !

  6. 很多手工巧克力作坊的创始人,包括米米•维勒在内,最初的动力都是出于对巧克力,而不是对商业的热爱。

    Many of those who launch artisanal chocolate shops , including Mimi Wheeler , are inspired by a love for chocolate , not business .

  7. 在比利时的首都布鲁塞尔,有数百家手工巧克力商店传承着手工巧克力制作的宝贵工艺。这是全世界巧克力爱好者的必游之地。

    While Brussels , the country 's capital , is home to hundreds of chocolatiers , what makes a visit imperative , at least from a chocophile 's perspective , is the rich heritage of artisanal chocolate-makers .

  8. 这家商店专营手工制作的巧克力。

    The shop specializes in hand-made chocolates .