
shǒu jī hào mǎ
  • phone number;mobile number;mobile phone number
  1. 你的手机号码是多少?

    What 's your mobile number ?

  2. 被曝光的手机号码从未用于涉及机密信息的通话。

    The mobile number provided is never used for calls involving classified information .

  3. 向前看,真的不能再回头了:在聊天工具上把前任拉黑,删除他的手机号码,在Facebook上与他解除好友,不再关注他的Twitter。

    Move forward by not actually being able to go backward : Hide your ex on chat , delete his phone number , defriend him on Facebook and unfollow his Twitter .

  4. 后端通过将RFID与市民手机号码关联,进行市民卡的账户、信用、消费管理,通过中间件cA身份认证和鉴权中心管理。

    Rear end through RFID and the residential handset number connection , carries on the residential card the account , the credit , the expense management , through middleware CA status authentication and authentication center management .

  5. 2011年,影子档案成为潜在问题,当时一个总部位于爱尔兰的倡导团体起诉Facebook收集非用户的信息,这些信息包括姓名、电邮地址、手机号码和物理地址。

    Shadow profiles emerged as a potential problem in 2011 when an Ireland-based advocacy group accused Facebook of gathering information on nonusers , including names , email addresses , phone numbers and physical addresses .

  6. 日前,eBay公司宣布,为了扩大其PayPal业务,同意以2.4亿美元的价格收购位于美国硅谷的移动支付服务提供商Zong。该公司支持客户通过输入手机号码进行支付。

    EBay ( EBAY ) today announced plans to significantly expand the reach of its PayPal unit , by agreeing to acquire a company that lets users make payments by simply entering their mobile phone number .

  7. 针对国检局内网系统的安全性保障进行了分析及设计,采用移动apn专网、应用层用户名密码验证、手机号码绑定认证等多种手段确保系统数据的安全性。

    Security protection of the for CIQ network system analysis and design , using mobile apn private network , the application layer username password authentication , the phone number is bound certification and other means to ensure the security of the system data . 6 .

  8. 一种新颖的基于字符串方式表示手机号码的应用方案

    A Novel Denotation Scheme for Mobile Phone Number in Character Format

  9. 另一种过滤方法,能将持有外国手机号码的人筛选出来。

    Another filter sifts out those with foreign cell phone numbers .

  10. 与坐在对面的人交换手机号码。

    Exchange mobile phone number with the person sitting opposite to you .

  11. 上面是你的手机号码?

    And I believe that 's your cellphone number written on it ?

  12. 好了,那么你有我手机号码了。

    Ah * Okay , so you got my cell phone number .

  13. 后来,我的等级,金钱,手机号码。

    Later on , my grades , money , cell phone number .

  14. 再提醒我下为什么我要给你我的手机号码?

    Remind me why I gave you my cell phone number again ?

  15. 你儿子的手机号码,我别无他求。

    Your son 's cell number ... that 's all I need .

  16. 从你的呼叫前一到您的手机号码设置管理。

    Call to your phone from one of your pre-set managing numbers .

  17. 望月留给我的只是一个手机号码。

    I just left a cell phone number chimera .

  18. 你留下你的手机号码,我给你妈妈打电话。

    You leave me your mobile , so I 'll call you mum .

  19. 听着,我需要你儿子的手机号码。

    Lily : Listen , I need your son 's cell phone number .

  20. 您可能会觉得奇怪:为什么我不公布一个手机号码。

    You 're probably wondering why I don 't publicise a cellphone number .

  21. 他怎么会有你的手机号码?

    How 'd he get your cell phone number ?

  22. 这是你在这里使用的手机号码就在后面

    Here is your local mobile . The number is on the back .

  23. 我想我有她的手机号码。

    I think I have her cell number .

  24. 如果有人得到了你的手机号码。

    If someone gets your cell phone number .

  25. 手机号码开始全都是九啦

    They all start with a " 9 "

  26. 帕坦人甚至给他的手机号码和交谈,人民萨勒曼的模样。

    Pathan even gave his mobile number and talked to people posing as Salman .

  27. 这是我的手机号码和寻呼机号码。

    This is my cell phone and pager .

  28. 我怎么搞到你的手机号码的?

    How DLD I get your cell number ?

  29. 他们找到了她另外一个手机号码!

    They found another cell number she had !

  30. 现在,您可以美化你的第三方应用软件的手机号码。

    You can now spruce up your handset with number of third party applications .