
  • 网络Quantum cryptography;quantum password
  1. 量子密码术是一门崛起的新兴技术,其传输的安全性基于量子力学的Heisenberg不确定原理。

    Quantum cryptography is an emerging technology The security of the transmission is based on Heisenberg 's uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics .

  2. 量子密码或量子密钥分配(QKD)基于量子物理的基本定律来保证安全通信,因此安全性是量子密码研究的重点。

    Quantum cryptography or quantum key distribution ( QKD ) applies fundamental laws of quantum physics to guarantee secure communication , so security is a key point to quantum cryptography research .

  3. 同时在量子密码理论研究方面,我们使用诱骗态的方法设计安全实用的量子密钥分发(QKD)协议。

    And we concentrate on practical quantum key distribution ( QKD ) on the decoy-state method in crypto-graphic design .

  4. 摘要近年来,光子晶体共振腔由于拥有高Purcell效应已被频繁地使用以提升单光子源效率,利于未来量子密码与通讯等应用。

    In recent years , photonic crystal defect cavity is widely used to achieve high Purcell factor for high efficiency single photon sources .

  5. 量子密码术使用QKD过程产生的密钥来加、解密经典信息,可实现不可破译、不可窃听的保密通信,其安全性由量子力学的基本定理保证。

    QC uses quantum keys generated by QKD to encrypt and decrypt classic information , which make it impossible to be decrypted and eavesdropped by any third party . The security of QKD is protected by the basic laws of quantum mechanics .

  6. 在面向实用的量子密码系统的研究中,安全性和可用性一直是其研究的核心内容。

    Security and usability have been the core of its research .

  7. 只用两个偏振态的量子密码术方案

    A New Quantum Cryptography Protocol Using Only Two Photon Polarization States

  8. 鲁棒的光纤量子密码系统的电子学设计

    Electronics design for the robust quantum cryptography system based on optical fibers

  9. 量子密码技术被认为是绝对安全的加密技术。

    Quantum cryptography is deemed as absolute secure cryptography technology .

  10. 研究了特洛伊木马对量子密码算法的攻击。

    Trojan horse attacking strategy on quantum cryptography is investigated .

  11. 量子密码术具有较好的应用前景。

    There is a good application prospect of Quantum Cryptography .

  12. 三大密码体制:对称密码、公钥密码和量子密码的理论与技术

    Survey on the Cryptography of Symmetry , Public-key and Quantum

  13. 量子密码的理论研究及其计算机仿真

    A Study on Theory and Computer Simulation of Quantum Cryptography

  14. 基于比特承诺的计算安全量子密码协议

    Founding Computationally Secure Quantum Cryptography Protocols Based on Bit Commitment

  15. 经典密码通信与量子密码通信的现状及发展趋势

    Present status and development trends of the classical security communication and quantum cryptography

  16. 量子密码术的安全性信息论研究

    Research of Information on the Security of Quantum Cryptography

  17. 一种更加安全的密码技术&量子密码

    One Kind of Safer Cryptographic Technique : Quantum Cryptography

  18. 量子密码通信中量子比特率理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis of Quantum Bit Rate in Quantum Cryptography

  19. 对一个新量子密码协议攻击的研究

    Research of a new quantum key protocol attacked

  20. 量子密码的原理、应用和研究进展

    Principles , Applications and State-of-the-arts of Quantum Cryptography

  21. 量子密码原理及应用前景

    The Principle of Quantum Cryptography and Its Prospect

  22. 非理想的单光子探测器性能仍是困扰当今量子密码通信的技术挑战之一。

    Nevertheless , the non-ideal characters of Single-Photon-Detection-Module give a challenge to Quantum Cryptography .

  23. 用单光子偏振态的量子密码通信实验

    Demonstration of Quantum Cryptography with Single Photon Polarization

  24. 基于偏振关联光子对的量子密码术实验方案

    Quantum Cryptography Protocol Using Polarization Entangled Photon Pairs

  25. 其中包括自由空间量子密码术协议和量子密钥分配过程,以及自由空间量子密码术实验分析。

    Free-space quantum cryptography is analyzed experimentally .

  26. 量子密码术中的即插即用系统

    Plug and Play Systems for Quantum Cryptography

  27. 量子密码体制若干问题的研究

    Research on Some Issues of Quantum Cryptosystem

  28. 在实验室,我们实现了2米距离的空间量子密码通讯的演示实验。

    We have demonstrated quantum communication over a 2m distance in free space in laboratory .

  29. 应用伪随机序列的量子密码术

    Quantum Cryptography with a Pseudo Random Sequence

  30. 量子密码术:现在你看到了

    Quantum cryptography : now you see it