
  • 网络qubits;qubit;quantum bit
  1. 相较之下,量子位元可以是对、同时混合在一起的叠加态,就像是活与死同时存在的薛丁格的猫。

    The qubit , by contrast , can be in a superposition state corresponding to any mixture of true and false at the same time , like schr ? Dinger 's cat in its mixture of alive and dead .

  2. 位元是从古典物理原则中抽取出的理想物体,同样地,量子位元是从量子力学原理抽取出的理想量子物体。

    Just as bits are ideal objects abstracted from the principles of classical physics , qubits are ideal quantum objects abstracted from the principles of quantum mechanics .