
  • 网络entangled state;entanglement state
  1. 环境温度对多光子Jaynes-Cummings模型制备的原子与单模腔场纠缠态的影响

    Temperature Effects on Thermal Entanglement in Multi-photon Jaynes-Cummings Model

  2. 而它又能够识别PPT纠缠态,这也许就为我们直接实验展示PPT纠缠态的非局域性提供了可能。

    It is known that LURs can recognize PPT entanglement , thus we may make use of LURs to display the nonlocality of PPT entanglement experimentally .

  3. 三能级原子与双模腔场Raman相互作用制备原子纠缠态

    Generation of entangled states for three level atoms using Raman interaction with a two-mode cavity

  4. 提出了一种用W类态作为信道对未知二粒子纠缠态进行隐形传态的方案。

    A scheme for teleporting an unknown two-particle entangled state via W class state was proposed .

  5. 在量子信息的处理和传输,两粒子Bell态在量子通信和量子计算中占有极其重要的地位,因而我们有必要对腔束缚纠缠态原子的辐射谱特性的进行研究。

    It is necessary to study the emission spectrum from cavity-bound atoms in Bell states .

  6. (Paperinpreparing)4.利用运转于阈值以上的非简并光学参量振荡器,制备了强度高达22row的频率非简并纠缠态光场。

    ( Paper in preparing ) 4 . The frequency-nondegenerate entangled beams with total intensity of 22 mW were produced from a nondegenerate optical parametric oscillator operating above threshold .

  7. 一般W态传送原子态并用腔QED提纯非最大纠缠态

    Teleportation for Atomic State via W State and Purifying Non-Maximally on Cavity QED

  8. 利用原子与SU(2)相干态腔场的Raman相互作用制备原子纠缠态

    Preparation of multi-type atomic entangled states via Raman interaction of atom-cavity-field in two-mode SU ( 2 ) coherent state

  9. 制备EPR纠缠态的一种简易方法

    A Simple Scheme of Generating EPR Entangled States

  10. 第三章研究了连续纠缠态表象的Bell测量和压缩交换问题。

    In chapter three , we discuss the problems of Bell measurement and squeeze-swapping in terms of the entangled state representation .

  11. 三个二能级粒子GHZ态与一个W型态的量子纠缠态交换控制方案;

    The second is controlled exchange of quantum entangled state of three two-level particles GHZ state and a W state .

  12. 提出了利用双光子J-C模制备三原子W纠缠态的方案。

    A scheme is presented to produce an entangled three-atom W state by means of two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model .

  13. 腔QED系统中三原子纠缠态的受控辅助克隆

    Controlled Assisted Cloning of An Unknown Three-atom Entangled State Via Cavity QED

  14. 量子人体纠缠态在人体系统信息中的应用和量子人体态的测量及Winger函数,为数字人体微观研究提供理论和实验依据。

    It provided theoretical and experimental gist for the microcosmic study of digital human body .

  15. J-C模型中原子的自发辐射与量子纠缠态

    Spontaneous emission of atom and quantum entangled state in J-C model

  16. 然后,用非最大化纠缠态代替最大化纠缠的量子Bell态,对前述方案进行了改进,设计了一个新的量子秘密共享方案。

    Then , by replacing the maximally entangled Bell states with non-maximally entangled states , the forward scheme has been improved to a new QSS-SDC scheme .

  17. 协议不需要使用纠缠态,只需要进行vonNeumann测量。

    Moreover , it was unnecessary for the protocol to use entangled states and only von Neumann measurement was needed .

  18. 在对量子认证的研究中,我们提出利用共享EPR二粒子纠缠态完成对经典消息的加密认证,并结合量子稳定子码扩展完成对量子消息的认证。

    This scheme is an authentication on classical bits string and combine with quantum stabilizer codes complete authentication to quantum message .

  19. 对这个方案进行的计算机模拟结果表明,这种模式纠缠态可以产生和量子纠缠态完全类似的相关函数,同样能够对Bell不等式产生破坏。

    The numerical simulation results show that the correlation function of mode entangled states is quite similar to quantum entangled states , which can violate the Bell inequality .

  20. 文章利用量子力学的测量理论,将连续变量EPR纠缠态与分离变量的EPR纠缠态的描述很好的结合起来。

    The relation between the EPR pairs for continuous variables and discrete variables is created using the measurement theory of quantum mechanics .

  21. 本文提出了一个在量子电动力学(QED)腔场中传送未知的两原子纠缠态的方案。

    We present a scheme to teleport an unknown atomic entangled state in driven cavity QED .

  22. 同时,我们研究了一些包含非定域参数的连续纠缠态构成的类,发现具有一定的对称性,这些对称性质能够帮助我们进一步认识与探究2×M×N纠缠态系统的本质。

    And we study the internal symmetric properties of the nonlocal parameters in the continuous entangled class , which could help us to know more about the nature of the 2 x M x N entangled system .

  23. 提出了用三粒子纠缠态通过极化光束分离器(PBS)来制作四粒子纠缠态的方法。

    A scheme was proposed which can execute the entanglement of four particles from the entanglement of three particles by polarization beam splitter .

  24. 本文研究了在双J-C模型下两个初始处于纠缠态的宏观腔场的贝尔非定域性。

    The Bell-nonlocality of two initially entangled macroscopic fields in the double Jaynes-Cummings model is investigated .

  25. 通过引进纠缠态表象,对超导Josephson结也可以实现Cooper对数-相量子化,并给出了相应的物理解释。

    The results show that the Cooper pair number-phase-difference quantization scheme is also available for Josephson junction after introducing the entangled state representation .

  26. 基于离子阱和腔QED系统制备纠缠态和实现相位门

    The Generation of Entanglement State and the Implementation of Phase Gate Base on Trapped Ion and Caity QED System

  27. 我们介绍了如何利用无消相干子空间(DFS)制备原子纠缠态并且实现原子之间的受控非门操作。

    Here the operation inside the DFS can be used to prepare atomic entangled states and implement a quantum logic gate .

  28. 总体来说,利用腔QED制备两原子纠缠态既具有特定的优势又存在相当的挑战。

    It can be concluded that special advantages and challenges coexist in using CQED system to prepare two-atom entangled states .

  29. 这些结果保证了利用腔QED制备原子纠缠态的可靠性和可行性。

    All the conclusions ensure the reliability and the feasibility in the processing of preparing two-atom entangled states in CQED system .

  30. 我们研究了在连续纠缠态表象下利用Bell测量来实现纠缠交换的问题,并具体给出了纠缠交换的实现过程及结果,发现纠缠交换可以获得纠缠。

    We study entanglement swapping by using Bell measurement of entangled state representation of continuum variables . We give the realization and results of entanglement swapping and find that entanglement swapping can obtain en-tanglement .