
jiū fēn
  • dispute;issue;dissension;tangle;row;strives;knot
纠纷 [jiū fēn]
  • (1) [dispute]∶争执不下的事情

  • 排解纠纷

  • (2) [knot]∶不易解决的问题

  • 一个充满法律纠纷的问题

纠纷[jiū fēn]
  1. 工会与资方在工作时间上发生纠纷。

    The union is in dispute with management over working hours .

  2. 纠纷期间救护车司机只提供急救替班。

    Ambulance drivers provided only emergency cover during the dispute .

  3. 他们的目的是裁决雇主与雇员之间的纠纷。

    Their purpose is to adjudicate disputes between employers and employees .

  4. 已叫警察来解决家庭纠纷。

    The police were called to sort out a domestic .

  5. 政府正在不断敦促早日解决这起纠纷。

    The government is pressing for an early resolution of the dispute .

  6. 调解机构帮助解决劳资纠纷。

    A conciliation service helps to settle disputes between employers and workers .

  7. 解决这一纠纷应当是人力所能及的事。

    It should not be beyond the wit of man to resolve this dispute .

  8. 没有唇枪舌剑,这场纠纷就解决了。

    The dispute was settled without acrimony .

  9. 要解决纠纷,还需再举行一轮谈判。

    A further round of talks will be needed if the dispute is to be resolved .

  10. 在这次劳资纠纷中几乎没有绝对的好人与坏人。

    There are few goodies and baddies in this industrial dispute .

  11. 他说如果出现罢工等大规模纠纷那将是极不应该的。

    He said a full-scale dispute involving strikes would be criminal .

  12. 我被叫出去解决一场家庭纠纷。

    I was called out to attend a domestic dispute .

  13. 这场纠纷可能会让澳大利亚劳资关系稳定这一来之不易的名声毁于一旦。

    The dispute could destroy Australia 's hard-won reputation for industrial stability .

  14. 他们同意通过谈判来努力解决纠纷。

    They agreed to try to settle their dispute by negotiation

  15. 一位男子在一场家庭纠纷中被刺死。

    A man had been stabbed to death in a family row .

  16. 上周这一纠纷达到高潮,政府被告上了法庭。

    The dispute culminated last week in a lawsuit against the government .

  17. 在先前和政府的工资纠纷中他们赢了。

    They have won previous pay disputes with the government

  18. 这类纠纷在18和19世纪大量增多。

    Such disputes multiplied in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries

  19. 英国雇佣法包括解决劳资纠纷的仲裁和调解机制。

    UK employment law embodies arbitration and conciliation mechanisms for settling industrial disputes .

  20. 法国空中交通管制员因为薪资纠纷已开始了为期3天的罢工。

    French air traffic controllers have begun a three-day strike in a dispute over pay

  21. 警察认为这场打斗是由两个敌对的青少年帮派之间的纠纷引起的。

    The police believe the fight was due to a dispute between rival teenage gangs .

  22. 部长们应该已经认识到了他们这样做可能会与法国产生严重的外交纠纷。

    The ministers must have realized that they risked what could be a major diplomatic row with France .

  23. 这场纠纷的主角是世界两大信用卡品牌——维萨和万事达。

    The chief protagonists in the row are Visa and Mastercard , the world 's leading credit card brands .

  24. 双方会谈有效地解决了彼此间的纠纷。

    The talks between both sides were effective in settling their disputes .

  25. 他的部门负责处理有关贸易补贴的国际纠纷。

    His department is responsible for dealing with international disagreements over trade subsidies .

  26. 眼下的纠纷是这所房子的所有权问题。

    The matter in dispute is the ownership of the house .

  27. 这场纠纷余波未平。

    The trouble hasn 't ended ; there are still repercussions .

  28. 我们希望这些纠纷能获得永久的解决。

    We hope for a lasting settlement of all these troubles .

  29. 是金钱纠纷使他们的婚姻破裂了。

    It was money troubles that busted up their marriage .

  30. 是谁挑起这场纠纷的?

    Who is at the bottom of all this trouble ?