
  • 网络Corrective action;Correction action
  1. 如果imf领导层不采取纠正行动,那么世界很有可能会问,当欧洲的驾驶员驾车冲出悬崖边时,作为顾问和资金后台的imf为何在熟睡?

    If the IMF leadership does not take corrective action , the world might well be asking why the fund was asleep as adviser and financier even as the European driver was taking the car over the cliff .

  2. 它也将包括控制和管理,文档,环境,健康和安全法规的完整性,如纠正行动程序和SOP的信息。

    It would also include the control and integrity of regulatory , documentation , environmental , health and safety regulations , and SOP information such as corrective action procedures .

  3. 如果需要,适当的纠正行动应该先于CERES的检验被执行。

    If necessary , adequate corrective actions should be implemented prior to CERES ´ inspection .

  4. 纠正行动的证据进行审查和接受。

    The corrective action with evidence is reviewed and accepted .

  5. 为了纠正行动,银行决定采取两个步骤。

    To correct the action , the bank decided to take two steps .

  6. 制造商自愿采取的纠正行动。

    Voluntary corrective action taken by the manufacturer .

  7. 一旦发现产品安全问题,公司就必须采取“纠正行动”。

    Companies must take " corrective action " when a product safety issue is discovered .

  8. 保证有效实施供应商的不符合项、纠正行动和检验放行单的管理方法;

    Ensure effective implementation of supplier non-conformance , corrective action , and inspection release management processes .

  9. 这使得操作人员能够迅速查明缺陷的来源,并采取纠正行动。

    This enables operators to quickly identify the source of the defects and take corrective action .

  10. 然而,这些结果数据可能得到重要的信息,指示是否需要进行及时的纠正行动。

    Nevertheless , the resulting data may yield important information indicating the need for prompt corrective action .

  11. 管理不符合项及纠正行动登记表或数据库,并确保执行相应的调查、追踪和纠正措施;

    Manage non-conformance & corrective action registers or databases and ensure investigation , follow-up and corrective actions are implemented .

  12. 这也有助于触发纠正行动来解决根本的质量问题而不是仅仅是施行返工。

    It also helps trigger corrective action to solve root causes of quality problems rather than just performing rework .

  13. 我们看到的全球性组织的控制系统的差异主要是控制过程中的衡量方法和纠正行动。

    The differences we see in organizational control systems of global organizations are primarily in the measurement and corrective action steps of the control process .

  14. 项目质量经理应具有组织自由和权利来识别对质量有害的环境,并发起和监控相关纠正行动。

    The project quality manager shall have the organizational freedom and authority to identify conditions adverse to quality , and to initiate and monitor appropriate corrective actions .

  15. 有时,构建可能并没有失败,但是有些事的变化要求早些而不是晚些采取纠正行动。

    Sometimes the build may not fail , but something has changed in such a way that corrective action may need to be taken sooner rather than later .

  16. 他们进一步建议在认为有可能不能达到主要里程碑的所有国家中迅速制定、实施和监测纠正行动。

    They further recommended the rapid development , implementation and monitoring of corrective action in all countries in which a major milestone is seen to be at risk .

  17. 我认识到,纠正行动,我们被迫部署在过去数月,以减少公司的开支,并限制该公司的损失是非常不愉快。

    I realize that the corrective actions that we were forced to deploy during the past months to reduce our company expenses and to limit the company losses were quite unpleasant .

  18. 他把大部分的责任归结于化石燃料和人类活动,同时警告称,如果不采取迅速的纠正行动,生态系统将蒙受前所未有的破坏,并对我们所有人造成严重后果。

    He placed most of the blame on fossil fuels and human activity , while warning of an unprecedented destruction of ecosystems , with serious consequence for all of us if corrective action is not taken swiftly .

  19. 他把大部分的责任归结于化石燃料和人类活动,同时警告称,如果不采取迅速的纠正行动,“生态系统将蒙受前所未有的破坏,并对我们所有人造成严重后果”。

    He placed most of the blame on fossil fuels and human activity , while warning of an " unprecedented destruction of ecosystems , with serious consequence for all of us " if corrective action is not taken swiftly .

  20. 不过,这类援助是附有条件的:受援国必须采取纠正性行动。

    But this help is attached to the condition that the recipient takes corrective action .

  21. 如果需要,纠正的行动随调查而起。④再次计划,考虑回应而且改变了情况。

    If necessary , corrective action follows investigation . ④ Planning again , considering feedback and changed conditions .

  22. 这个稳定性监管机构必须有充足的资源,以收集市场中的信息,并有能力根据所收集信息迅速采取纠正性行动,以防止系统不稳定。

    This stability supervisor must be given sufficient resources to collect data across markets and the ability to use it to take swift corrective action to prevent systemic instability .

  23. 我要求对纠正以往错误的行动提出具体建议。

    I want specific recommendations for corrective actions to fix what went wrong .

  24. 适当时,可要求责任方纠正任何初次修补行动问题。

    Where appropriate , the responsible party will be required to rectify any problems that occurred with the original repair action .