
  • 网络entangled photon;entangled-photon
  1. 基于纠缠光子方法测量光电探测器量子效率的研究

    Quantum-efficiency measurement of photodetectors based on entangled photons

  2. 本论文第二个创新在于将光学超晶格材料研究过渡到非经典光学,将准相位匹配技术引入到量子光学领域,实现新型纠缠光子源制备和特殊量子态产生。

    The other innovation of this thesis is that we introduced the study of quasi-phase-matching to the non-classical optics field , generating new entangled photons and special quantum states .

  3. 紧凑型光子晶体光纤锁模激光器及纠缠光子源的研究

    Research on Compact Mode-locked Photonic Crystal Fiber Lasers and Source of Correlated Photon Pairs

  4. 光学超晶格中级联参量过程制备纠缠光子对

    Generation of two-photon entangled states through a cascaded nonlinear optical process in a quasiperiodic optical superlattice

  5. 在这个实验中,非纠缠光子对空间上没有分离,因而不牵涉非局域性。

    No quantum non-locality is involved in this case , because the photons are not spatially separated .

  6. 人们正是利用纠缠光子对的这种量子关联特性实现对时空的高精度测量。

    People just take advantage of entangled photo pairs whose quantum correlation characteristic achieves the high accuracy measurement for space-time .

  7. 利用量子点双激子级联发射的路径相干性和精细结构的存在,我们提出了产生多维纠缠光子对的实验方案。

    We propose a scheme to generate hyper-entangled photon pairs taking use of the cascaded photon emitting from biexciton state .

  8. 另一方面,利用量子点发出的单光子或纠缠光子对,可以用来传输单个比特的量子信息。

    On the other hand , the emitted single photon and entangled photon pairs can be tools for quantum communications .

  9. 利用卫星来分发单光子(或纠缠光子对)的方法为远程量子通信网络提供了一种独特的解决方案。

    Using satellites to deliver single photon or entangled photon pairs is a unique solution to realize long-distance quantum communications networks .

  10. 本文的研究包括了两部分:光子晶体光纤中超连续谱与纠缠光子对的产生。

    This dissertation covers both the SuperContinuum ( SC ) and Entangled photon-pairs generation in Photonic crystal fiber ( PCF ) .

  11. 这样的一个纠缠光子源可以运用到量子密钥分发系统中,所产生的误码率可小于6%。

    Such a system can be used as the source of quantum key distribution system with a bit error rate less than 6 % .

  12. 将光子晶体光纤用来产生纠缠光子对,这是近年来兴起的新的科研方向,并且已经在实验室取得了显著的成果。

    In recent years , new scientific investigations based on PCFs to produce entangled photon pairs have been developed , and remarkable achievements have been obtained .

  13. 在非线性晶体中通过自发参量下转换产生光子对,是一种最为成熟的产生纠缠光子对以及获得单光子的方法,在光通讯、量子光学和量子信息领域有着极为重要的作用。

    So far , the most mature way of obtaining the entangled photon pairs is the spontaneous parametric downconversion ( SPDC ) method in a nonlinear crystal .

  14. 半导体量子点在量子计算和量子信息领域具有重要的价值,是一种极具前景的纠缠光子源。

    Semiconductor quantum dots ( SQDs ) play key roles in quantum computation and quantum information processes , and SQD is expected to be a promising entangled-photon source .

  15. 我们利用四波混频效应,通过泵浦40米长的色散平坦光子晶体光纤获得了高品质、高速率的纠缠光子源。

    We demonstrate a high quality and high counting rate source of correlated photon pairs through four-wave-mixing ( FWM ) by pumping a 40m dispersion-flattened photonic crystal fiber ( PCF ) .

  16. 格拉斯哥大学的一个物理学家团队设计了一个系统,一串纠缠光子从一个量子光源发出,穿过“非常规物体”。

    The team of physicists from the University of Glasgow devised a system that fired a stream of entangled photons from a quantum source of light at " non-conventional " objects .

  17. 通过讨论基于参量下转换产生的纠缠光子对的量子特性及量子相干原理,研究远程时钟同步测量机理。

    Based on the quantum feature of the entangled photon pairs produced with the spontaneous parametric down-conversion and the quantum coherent principle , the method of the distant clock synchronization is studied .

  18. 本论文较系统地研究了一维、二维光学超晶格中不同的铁电畴调制结构对纠缠光子产生的集成调控作用。

    In this thesis , we comprehensively studied the compact manipulation of entangled photons by different ferroelectric domain modulation structures in the one-dimensional ( 1D ) and two-dimensional ( 2D ) OSL materials .

  19. 本文基于二阶量子相干原理,解析地描述了由第二类型参量下转换所产生的纠缠光子对实现远程时钟同步测量的机理。

    Based on second-order correlation principle , we describe a measurement method of the distant clock synchronization analytically , which is achieved by the entangled photon pairs produced with spontaneous - ⅱ parametric down-conversion .

  20. 文中所描述的时钟同步测量方法可实现对空间位置的测量,同时又可用于测量纠缠光子对在非线性晶体中传输的时间差。

    This method can not only be used in studding the distant clock synchronization and the quantum positioning , but is useful in measuring the time difference of a pair of entangled photon passing the nonlinear crystal .

  21. 其他非线性频率转换过程如四波混频过程在纠缠光子对制备、光参量放大和振荡器方面有应用潜力;光子晶体光纤中的三次谐波过程可用以产生紫外光源。

    Other nonlinear frequency conversion processes such as four-wave-mixing have applications in generation of correlated photon pairs , optical parametric amplifiers and oscillators . Another interesting class of nonlinearity reported in experiments involves multimode phase-matched harmonic generation .

  22. 结果表明,所描述的方案具有普遍性,可用于时钟同步又可用于空间定位的研究,同时也可用于测量纠缠光子对在非线性晶体中传输的时间差。

    The results show that the core method of the distant clock synchronization described in this paper is also the same with quantum positioning and measurement the time difference of a pair of entangled photon passing the nonlinear crystal .

  23. 自发参量下转换也被称为参量荧光或参量散射,在量子光学中是一个重要的过程,尤其是作为纠缠光子源或单光子源。

    Spontaneous parametric down-conversion ( SPDC . Also referred to as parametric fluorescence or parametric scattering ) is an important process in quantum optics , used especially as a source of entangled photon pairs , and of single photons .

  24. 单模光纤本身存在着极化模式色散效应,使得极化编码方式很难用于光纤量子密码,对此,我们利用极化纠缠光子对实现了一种时间标记的量子密码方案。

    To deal with the effect of polarization mode dispersion in single mode fiber , which makes the polarization encoding unsuitable for the fiber-based quantum cryptography , we implemented the experimental demonstration of a quantum cryptography scheme with timing tags using polarization-entangled photon pairs .

  25. 当前,尽管人们基于腔QED系统已成功制备了原子-原子纠缠、光子-原子纠缠等,但在多原子体系中,对每个原子和光子的量子态独立操控仍是当前实验技术的一个难点。

    Up to now , the generation of atom-atom entanglement , photon-atom entanglement is realizable based on cavity QED . However , the individual control of single atoms in multi-atoms systems is still very difficult with current technologies .

  26. 脉冲光场作用下纠缠双光子量子相干特性研究

    Study on the quantum coherent properties of entangled bi-photon with a pulse pump

  27. 关联成像实验首先是利用纠缠双光子对实现的,并且量子纠缠被认为是实现关联成像的必备条件。

    The first correlated imaging experiment was observed by using entangled photon pairs , and entanglement was thought as a prerequisite for achieving correlated imaging .

  28. 使用光学分束器和单光子源,利用单光子态和真空态制备出了纠缠单光子态。

    A method of generating the single-photon entangled states of a single photon state and a vacuum state through utilizing optical beam-splitter and single-photon source is described .

  29. 按照计划,墨子号将把一对纠缠的光子分别发送到相距1200公里的两个站点,从而测试更远距离上的量子纠缠。

    QUESS , as planned , will also beam entangled photons to two Earth stations , 1200 kilometers apart , in a move to test quantum entanglement over a greater distance .

  30. 量子点中一个重要的量子态是双激子态,其在双比特量子逻辑门以及产生纠缠双光子对上有着重要的应用。

    The biexciton system is one of important quantum states in QDs , as it carries prospects in realization of two-bit quantum logic gates and in generation of entangled photon pairs .