
  1. 我们现在攀登的是八达岭长城。

    We are now climb the Badaling Great Wall .

  2. 其中八达岭长城是最具有代表性的一段长城。

    And the Badaling Great Wall is the most representative one of the Great Wall .

  3. 而我们今天看到的著名的八达岭长城始建于明朝。

    The famous Badaling Great Wall we see today was built in the Ming Dynasty .

  4. 第一眼看上去,会将其当成是千里之外的北京八达岭长城,耳边似闻金戈铁马之声。曾经一时壮美的城墙,很多未能经受岁月的考验。

    Upon first glance it can easily be mistaken for the Great Wall through its similarities .

  5. 午餐后,乘车赴八达岭长城。(行车时间:30分钟)

    After lunch , travel to the Badaling Great Wall . ( journey time : 30 minutes )

  6. 然而,并非所有的长城都像北京北部的八达岭长城那样保存完好。

    However , not all of the Wall is preserved like the Badaling section in northern Beijing .

  7. 八达岭长城和十三陵都在同一路线上的北北京近郊。

    Badaling Great Wall and Ming Tomb are on the same route on the north suburb of Beijing .

  8. 目的分析八达岭长城风景区冬季鸟类构成、传播禽流感的可能性,评估该地区发生禽流感的风险。

    Objective To analyze the possibility of avian flu breaking out on Badaling Great Wall area and to evaluate .

  9. 八达岭长城是明长城中保存最好的一段,也是最具代表性的一段。

    Badaling Great Wall of Ming Dynasty Great Wall is the best preserved section is the section of the most representative .

  10. 这项活动在八达岭长城风景园里举办,将持续到八月底。

    The event is being held in Ba Da Ling Great Wall Scenery Park and will last until the end of August .

  11. 在北京北方的八达岭长城,一群中国观光客于厕所旁的了望台休息。

    Chinese tourists rest at a lookout point next to a toilet at the Great Wall of China at Badaling , north of Beijing .

  12. 奥运火炬传递在旅游胜地八达岭长城的盛大仪式中开始,仪式在扩音器中的爱国音乐和锣鼓声中结束。

    The torch run began with an elaborate ceremony at the Great Wall 's popular Badaling section , complete with live percussionists accompanying patriotic music blaring from speakers .

  13. 包括北京在内的周边地区629公里的五部分长城,都是向游客开放的。八达岭长城,是1957年首个对外开放的长城。

    In Beijing and its surroundings , the Great Wall is629 km ( 391 miles ) long with five sections , including the Badaling , the first one opened to tourists in1957 .

  14. 对我们而言,这是一个互惠互利的双边友好姿态—因为在过去的3(4)年,中国把长城装扮成了绿色,以向爱尔兰人民表达友好。恰逢圣帕特里克节—昨夜在八达岭长城再着绿装,十分美丽。

    years China has illuminated the Great Wall of China in green as a mark of friendship towards Ireland - on the occasion of St Patrick 's Day - we did it again last night at Badaling

  15. 站在八达岭长城脚下。远远望去,长城犹如一条巨龙,盘旋在崇山峻岭之间,一眼望不到头。

    Look into the distance by a long shot , the Great Wall likes a great dragon , and circle between the lofty mountains and high hill , can not look into the distance to the end .

  16. 根据八达岭长城管理部门的公告,经调查初步判断,游客使用的刻划工具为钥匙、铁丝或其他尖利物品,刻划内容为游客姓名。

    According to an announcement by the Badaling Great Wall management department , a preliminary judgment of the investigation shows the tourists used keys , wires or other objects with sharp points to scrawl their names on the wall .

  17. 周日,米歇尔和她的两个女儿游览了慕田峪长城,与游客更多的八达岭长城相比,慕田峪长城离北京市中心更远。2009年奥巴马访华时,游览的就是八达岭长城。

    On Sunday , Mrs. Obama and her daughters traveled to the Great Wall , climbing the Mutianyu section , which is farther from central Beijing than the well-traveled part of the wall President Obama went to in 2009 .

  18. 网上流传的视频片段显示,3月21日下午一点左右,三名游客(两女一男)在八达岭长城的墙体上进行刻划。八达岭长城是国家重点文物保护单位,也是世界著名景区。

    A video clip circulating online shows three tourists , two women and a man , scrawling on the Badaling section of the Great Wall , a world-renowned scenic spot and the nation 's key cultural relic protection site , at about 1 pm on Sunday .

  19. 今天,我和我的团队就要去八达岭爬长城啦。

    Today , I and my team would go to climb the Badaling Great Wall .

  20. 我们坐车到八达岭,从八达岭登上长城。

    We took a car to Badaling , and mounted the Wall from there .