
bā yīn hé
  • music box
八音盒 [bā yīn hé]
  • 乐器名。由西洋传入,多为方匣,内具发条,能周而复始的奏出固定曲调。亦作“八音匣”、“八音琴”。

八音盒[bā yīn hé]
  1. 另一个绝佳的值得一看的夜晚演出是每月第一个星期六在“八音盒”夜总会举办的“永恒虚幻”。

    Another wicked night worth checking out is Keep it Unreal at the Music Box on the first Saturday of the month .

  2. 从小到大,我最喜欢的玩具是八音盒。

    From childhood to adulthood , my favorite toy was the music box .

  3. 他把那个好看的八音盒送给我了。

    He gave me that beautiful music box .

  4. 会唱歌的玩偶重返中国&八音盒的前世今生

    Singing doll comes back to China & Musical Box ' forms nowadays and in history

  5. 八音盒(不包括玩具)

    Music box ( excl. toys )

  6. “这鸟儿真使我记起死去的皇后的那个八音盒,”一位老侍臣说。

    " How much the bird reminds me of the musical box that belonged to our blessed Empress ," said an old knight .

  7. 八音盒发出的声音单纯却能拨动人的心弦,而装这个声音的盒子更像是一个谜。

    The music box gives out a sound that is pure and yet is capable of tugging at one 's heart strings , also this sound in the box is even like a mystery .