
  • 网络Christmas market;Christkindlesmarkt
  1. 在德国的法兰克福圣诞市场在11月25日开幕。

    The Christmas market in Frankfurt , Germany , opened on Nov.25 .

  2. 体验美国最具德国特色的圣诞市场:芝加哥圣诞市场

    Experiencing Christkindlmarket , Chicago : America 's Most Authentic German Christmas Market

  3. 他的徒弟、一心想讨师傅欢心的小精灵帕琪受命离开北极,奔赴大城市纽约派发礼物。但帕琪却卷入了一个卑鄙的玩具大亨的阴谋中,后者想要掌控圣诞市场。

    But when Santa 's eager-to-please elf Patch leaves the North Pole for the big streets of New York City , he becomes mixed up with a dastardly toy tycoon 's plans to take over Christmas .

  4. 过去,圣诞市场似乎一度被垄断,而现在它大门敞开,所有能够将Santa和Claus串起来的人都可以分一杯羹。

    A market which at one time seemed cornered , is now wide open to anyone who can string the words Santa and Claus together .

  5. 因拥有欧洲最古老、规模最大的圣诞市场之一而自称“圣诞之都”(ChristmasCapital)的斯特拉斯堡向各方游客张开臂膀,欢迎大家探访12月遍及全城的礼品集市、音乐演出、圣诞灯光和香浓美酒,不管你是好孩子还是坏孩子。

    A self-proclaimed " Christmas Capital " - thanks to one of the oldest and largest Christmas markets in Europe - Strasbourg welcomes the virtuous and vice-loving alike to its December citywide extravaganza of gift bazaars , concerts , lights and mulled wine .

  6. 布拉格的圣诞市场也是欧洲最热闹的市场之一。

    Its Christmas Market is also one of Europe 's most popular .

  7. 我们的导游正在伦敦南岸的一个圣诞市场呢?

    I 'm at Cologne Christmas Market , on the Southbank in London .

  8. 英国圣诞市场受欢迎的七类玩具

    Categories of toys favored in British market

  9. 伴随着德国圣诞市场的回归,(你可以)期待今年圣诞节在诺丁汉体验到各种各样欧洲大陆才有的享受。

    Expect all manner of continental treats in Nottingham this Christmas , with the return of the German Christmas Market .

  10. 芝加哥圣诞市场有超过50个销售商,而且超过一半的销售商都来自德国。

    The market now has over 50 vendors , and more than half of them are actually flown in from Germany .

  11. 在布鲁塞尔的圣诞市场上和家人一起流览的英国的游客迪恩.科尔萧,对欧盟也不感冒。

    English tourist Dean Kershaw , visiting the Christmas markets in Brussels with his family , is no fan of the European Union .

  12. 不像美国的其它圣诞市场,比如纽约联合广场著名的市场,这里提供红酒为了给一起散步的好友营造一种充满乐趣的氛围。

    Unlike other Christmas markets in the US , such as the famous market in NYC 's Union Square , alcohol is served here making it a fun atmosphere for hanging out with friends .

  13. 芝加哥圣诞市场是模仿纽伦堡的圣诞市场建成的,纽伦堡是芝加哥的姐妹城市,现在芝加哥圣诞市场已经成为美国最大的露天假日市场,而且是最正宗的。

    Modeled after the Christkindlesmarkt in Nuremberg , Chicago 's Christmas market sister city , the Christkindlmarket in Chicago is the largest open-air holiday market in the US . And it 's also the most authentic .

  14. 芝加哥的圣诞市场的确是美国所有市场中最接近传统德国圣诞市场的。这无疑吸引了大量的参观者,每年都有超过一百万的人来参观。

    The Christkindlmarket in Chicago really is the closest thing to a traditional German Christmas market in all of the US . It 's no wonder the market sees huge draws of visitors , as over one million people pass through the market yearly .

  15. 英国机器狗罗博抢占圣诞玩具市场

    English robot dog " Robo " seized the Christmas toy market

  16. 今年,幻想影片仍将继续占据圣诞档期的电影市场。

    And this year it looks like they will be spoiled for choice as fantasy films continue to dominate the Christmas market .

  17. 每年的11月中旬到圣诞前夜,圣诞市场可以让参观者不用走出芝加哥就能体验正宗的德国传统。

    Each year from mid-November until Christmas Eve , Christkindlmarket allows visitors to experience authentic German traditions without having to travel any farther than the city of Chicago .