
  • 网络st martin;St. Martin;saint martin;San Martin
  1. 不过这次邮轮被困在加勒比海圣马丁岛的港口。

    This time though , it stuck at a port at the Caribbean Island of Saint Martin .

  2. 坎特伯雷大教堂、圣奥古斯丁修道院和圣马丁教堂

    Canterbury Cathedral , Saint Augustine 's Abbey , and Saint Martin 's Church

  3. 沃伦的大儿子是圣马丁学院艺术系的学生。

    Warren 's eldest son is an art student , at St Martin 's.

  4. 如果圣马丁教堂的地窖餐馆(CaféintheCrypt)从来不曾改变该有多好!

    If only the Caf é in the Crypt at St. Martin in the Fields hadn 't changed !

  5. 他在著名的中央圣马丁学院(CentralSaintMartins)学习(他和传奇教授路易丝·威尔逊[LouiseWilson]的关系变化无常,有时互相伤害)。

    His years at the prestigious Central Saint Martins ( and his volatile , poisonous relations with that school 's legendary professor , Louise Wilson ) .

  6. Parnell广场上的圣马丁使徒教堂的移动Crib将在12月27日重新开放。

    The Moving Crib at St Martin Apostolate on Parnell Square will reopen on December27th .

  7. 那么,为什么北方旅馆(HôtelduNord)活跃的年轻人们花五欧元就能在圣马丁运河(CanalSt.-Martin)边上喝一杯波尔多葡萄酒?

    So why does the lively young crowd at H ô tel du Nord pay just 5 euros to drink a glass of Bordeaux along the Canal St. - Martin ?

  8. 巴拉德语三年前毕业于中央圣马丁(艺术与设计学院),所修美术专业。他称自己在罗伯特大街“Walker'sTailor”举办的展览是有风险的。

    Ballard , who graduated in fine arts from Central Saint Martins three years ago , admits that putting on the show at Walker 's Tailor , Robert Street , is risky .

  9. 后来,我在伦敦的圣马丁学院学习时装专业,遇到英国时装设计师薇薇恩·韦斯特伍德(VivienneWestwood),并为她工作。

    Later , I was studying fashion at St Martin 's in London when I met and worked for Vivienne Westwood .

  10. 毕业于中央圣马丁艺术学院(CentralSaintMartins)的马修•哈丁(MatthewHarding)与莱维•帕尔默(LeviPalmer)于2012年合创PalmerHarding品牌时,他们把目标投向了衬衣,因为他们认为创建这个细分行业前景广阔。

    When Central Saint Martins graduates Matthew Harding and Levi Palmer founded their label Palmer Harding in 2012 , they homed in on shirts as they felt it was good to have a niche .

  11. Richard,也就是这位编程人员,差不多算是纽约天体爱好者协会的头头,经常组织4到30人的团到各大天体营旅游胜地去游玩,包括坦帕市、棕泉市、圣马丁以及缅因州等等。

    Richard , the programmer , is a sort of ringleader for New York City nudists , making frequent trips to naturist resorts in Tampa , Palm Springs , St. Maarten 's and Maine , bringing along groups of four-to-30 people .

  12. 那时没人看好这位路威酩轩(LVMH)新签入的街头浪子模样的意大利设计师。他穿着牛仔裤与运动鞋,毕业于伦敦中央圣马丁艺术设计学院(CentralStMartins),之前只在米兰举行了两场自创品牌的发布会。

    No one expected much then of LVMH 's signing , a streetwise Italian in jeans and sneakers who had studied at Central St Martins in London and staged only two collections under his own label , in Milan .

  13. 平面设计师,伦敦中央圣马丁平面设计在读硕士,ISTD和CSD成员。现居伦敦。

    Graphic Designer , currently studying at the Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design , member of ISTD & CSD , based in London .

  14. Maho海滩坐落于荷属安帝列斯群岛圣马丁岛上,面向荷兰。

    Maho Beach is a beach situated in St Maarten in the Netherlands Antilles , on the Dutch side of the island .

  15. 我们在找圣马丁太太的房子。

    We 're looking for the house of Madame de saint-martin .

  16. 论圣马丁在军事上的贡献

    On San Martin 's Contribution to the Military Affairs

  17. 那边,是圣马丁修道院,钟声刺耳而嘶哑;

    Yonder is the abbey of saint-martin , a shrill , cracked singer ;

  18. 圣马丁是拉丁美洲独立运动中涌现出的著名军事家。

    San Martin was an outstanding militarist in the Independence Movement of Latin America .

  19. 蒂托走近圣马丁教堂附近一带时,发现人群相当密集。

    As Tito entered the neighbourhood of San Martino , he found the throng rather denser .

  20. 但麦克风和进入该房间的人将它与办公室区别开来-它是圣马丁镇社区广播电台的所在地。

    But what sets this room apart are the microphone and the people who have access to it .

  21. 任何尾巴有点方且成叉形、翅膀长而尖的燕子;大约在圣马丁节前后迁移。

    Any of various swallows with squarish or slightly forked tail and long pointed wings ; migrate around Martinmas .

  22. 1824年在秘鲁完成了圣马丁的革命工作,解放了那个国家。

    He completed Jos é de San Mart í n 's revolutionary work in Peru , freeing that country in1824 .

  23. 圣马丁教堂原是一座小修道院,后来则被目为一座革命性的博物馆和神秘知识的摘要。

    Saint-martin-des-champs had been conceived first as a priory and only later as a revolutionary museum and compendium of arcane knowledge .

  24. 我在圣马丁上学的时候,那是一所艺术学校很多人性格都很张扬。

    When I went to Saint Martins the art school she attended a lot of the people there were these flamboyant characters .

  25. 两周前,飞行队在佛罗里达州西海岸附近的圣马丁水生动物保护园着陆了。

    The group landed two weeks ago at the Saint Martins Marsh Aquatic Wildlife Preserve , near the west coast of Florida .

  26. 1978年生于英国伦敦,毕业于中央圣马丁艺术设计学院。摄影作品在不同的封面,杂志,时尚等刊物上刊出。

    Born in London in1978 , Sacha Maric is a Fine Art graduate from Central St Martins College of Art and Design .

  27. 诗蓝毕业于世界署名的伦敦中央圣马丁美术与设计学院。在校期间,她的作品就受到英国艺术界的关注。

    Li Chevalier is one of the few chinese artists trained at the world famous Central Saint Martins College of Art and design London .

  28. 它的产品囊括了著名的时装学院&英国中央圣马丁艺术设计学院迸发的新锐概念,到古典的英国风格。

    Its offerings run the gamut from the edgy outpourings of Central St Martins , a well-known fashion college , to the classical style anglais .

  29. 34岁的凯特穿上这件价值1580英镑的长裙耀眼夺目。它是由一位相对不怎么知名的设计师芭芭拉·卡萨索拉设计的,该设计师出生于巴西,现居伦敦,曾在中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院学习。

    Kate , 34 , sported the £ 1580 gown by relatively unknown Brazilian-born , London-based designer Barbara Casasola - who studied at Central Saint Martins .

  30. 昔日的中央圣马丁艺术学校也具有悠久历史——在伦敦看来,这属于文化的惺惺相惜,与书店的历史一样,学校的所有东西都值得保存。

    The old art school has its own history - a cultural resonance for the city every bit as worth preserving as that of the shop .