
  • 网络Gibraltar;gib
  1. 我投资这家公司时,他们说它像直布罗陀巨岩一样可靠。

    When I invested my money with the company I was told it was as safe as the Rock of Gibraltar .

  2. 直布罗陀海峡是地中海通向大西洋的咽喉。

    The Straits of Gibraltar are the strategic passage between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic .

  3. FIFA还阻止了直布罗陀的加入,西班牙多年来一直宣称对这块英国领土拥有主权。

    FIFA has also prevented Gibraltar , a British territory long claimed by Spain , from joining .

  4. 对于非常驻居民而言,自诩监管较松和税赋较轻的最大金融中心是伦敦、卢森堡、都柏林、海峡群岛(channelislands)、直布罗陀、摩纳哥以及欧洲后院许多其它地区。

    The largest centres of boastfully light regulation and light taxes for non-residents were London , Luxembourg , Dublin , the Channel Islands , Gibraltar , Monaco and many other locations in the European backyard .

  5. 直布罗陀是英国在伊比利亚半岛的海外领土,西班牙一直声称对其拥有主权。当直布罗陀试图加入FIFA时,西班牙威胁从欧冠联赛和国际比赛中撤回所有西班牙球队,包括巴塞罗那和皇家马德里这样的强队。

    When Gibraltar , a British overseas territory on the Iberian Peninsula claimed by Spain , tried to join FIFA , Spain threatened to pull all of its teams including the powerhouses of Barcelona and Real Madrid from the European Champions League and international football .

  6. 尽管遭遇了政治压力,直布罗陀2013年仍然成为了UEFA成员,并希望接下来加入FIFA。在瑞典比赛的球队中,几乎每一支球队获得政治认可的机会都很渺茫,也没什么可能加入FIFA或六个下属联盟中任何一个。

    Despite the political pressure , Gibraltar became a member of UEFA in 2013 and hopes to join FIFA next.Almost all of the teams in Sweden have little chance of political recognition , and little chance of joining FIFA or any of its six confederations .

  7. 直布罗陀海峡尚未丧失其战略上的重要地位。

    The Straits of Gibraltar have not lost their strategic importance .

  8. 你有点像直布罗陀的岩石。

    You 're a bit like the rock of Gibraltar .

  9. 再像以前那样让飞机飞过直布罗陀海峡。

    And run it across the Gibraltar Straits like before .

  10. 直布罗陀海峡位于欧洲和非洲之间。

    The straits of Gibraltar lies between Europe and Africa .

  11. 他正乘皇家游艇去直布罗陀。

    He 's going to Gibraltar on the Royal yacht .

  12. 狭航道一个狭窄的,从海岸通往内地的航道;海峡直布罗陀海峡是地中海通向大西洋的唯一通道。

    A narrow passage extending inland from a shore ; a channel .

  13. 一年以后,希科尔斯基在直布罗陀的一场空难中遇害。

    Sikorski died in a plane crash in Gibraltar a year later .

  14. 要提防一些地方如直布罗陀、马耳他或塞浦路斯等。

    Be wary of places such as Gibraltar , Malta or Cyprus .

  15. 直布罗陀海峡连接着地中海和大西洋。

    The Strait of Gibraltar connects the Mediterranean Sea and the atlantic Ocean .

  16. 直布罗陀海峡是地中海的咽喉要道。

    Gibraltar is the key to the Mediterranean Sea .

  17. 我的一些有名的代表有直布罗陀、霍尔木兹和白令。

    Some of my more famous examples are Gibraltar , Hormuz and Bering .

  18. 直布罗陀是欧洲最著名的标志之一。

    The Rock of Gibraltar is one of Europe 's most famous landmarks .

  19. 直布罗陀岩山上有许多洞穴。

    The Rock of Gibraltar is honeycombed with caves .

  20. 直布罗陀在711年被阿拉伯人占领,并于1462年转给西班牙。

    Gibraltar was captured by Arabs in711 and passed to the Spanish in1462 .

  21. 非洲西北部和直布罗陀的多岩绝壁及森林中的无尾猕猴。

    Tailless macaque of rocky cliffs and forests of northwestern Africa and Gibraltar .

  22. 半岛的南顶部连接着直布罗陀(英属领土)。

    At the southern tip of the peninsula lies Gibraltar , a British territory .

  23. 直布罗陀是地中海的要冲。

    Gibraltar is the key to the Mediterranean .

  24. 摩洛哥北部一城市,位于直布罗陀海峡的西端。

    A city of northern Morocco at the west end of the Strait of Gibraltar .

  25. 我们在直布罗陀受到总督梅森·麦克法兰中将的欢迎。

    At Gibraltar we were greeted by the governor , Lieutenant General Sir F.N.Mason MacFarlane .

  26. 直布罗陀的本地人或者居民。

    A native or resident of Nebraska .

  27. 一水手在直布罗陀弃职离船。

    One sailor jumped ship at Gibraltar .

  28. 那直布罗陀法律公司怎么样,等等

    How about Vanguard Law ? Or Gi ... Gibraltar Legal ... Wait , wait .

  29. 上海北建门业有限公司直布罗陀,地中海的门户。

    Shanghai Beijian Door Co. , Ltd.

  30. 船航行经过直布罗陀海峡,那儿的海上常用风暴。

    This ship sails through the Strait of Gibraltar , where the water is often rough .