
zhí jiē jīnɡ yàn
  • direct experience
  1. 一切真知都是从直接经验发源的。

    All genuine knowledge originates in direct experience .

  2. 不过,对于微软未来最重要的领域——在移动计算领域反击苹果(Apple)和谷歌(Google),他并没有直接经验。

    He does not , however , have direct experience in the field most critical to Microsoft 's future : hitting back at Apple and Google in mobile computing .

  3. 这种工作你有任何直接经验吗?

    Have you any direct experience of this kind of work ?

  4. 属于对真实事物或事件的直接经验。

    Belonging to immediate experience of actual things or events .

  5. 他从直接经验中切身体会到社会保障体系的重要性。

    He knows from direct experience the importance of social safety nets .

  6. 职业学校的学生的直接经验积累多于间接经验积累。

    Students in vocational schools accumulate more direct experience than indirect experience .

  7. 实践性:要求学生从实践中获取直接经验,养成科学精神和科学态度,掌握基本的科学方法,提高运用和解决实际问题的能力;

    Practice : It requires students acquire direct experiences out of practice .

  8. 极限问题离直接经验最远。

    Limit problem is far way from direct experience .

  9. 迄今为止,大多数参与海外并购的公司仅有一次这方面的直接经验。

    These cases were mainly started by companies that had no prior experience .

  10. 以同样的方式,他通过直接经验了解其它情形。

    And in the same way he understands other instances too by direct experience .

  11. 独重直接经验并与间接经验对立;

    Emphasis on direct experience against indirect experience ;

  12. 其运作要素包括:策划者的知识、直接经验或技术;

    Its working elements include : the knowledge , experience or skill of the planner ;

  13. 新课程改革要求教学关注学生的直接经验。

    The reform of new curriculum requires the attention of teaching to student direct experience .

  14. 而且在我为间接经验者,在人则仍为直接经验。

    Moreover , what is indirect experience for me is direct experience for other people .

  15. 我们提供给学生的是校园和宿舍生活的直接经验。

    Our model will provide students with a direct experience of college life and dorm living .

  16. 数学教学活动要关注学生的个人知识和直接经验。

    Mathematics teaching activity must pay attention to student 's individual knowledge and the direct experience .

  17. 平衡直接经验与间接经验之间的位置,是学校和教师的工作。

    Management the relationship between direct experience and indirect experience is the job of vocational schools .

  18. 现实教学活动中,教师强调间接经验而忽视直接经验。

    In the present teaching activity , teachers place emphasis on indirect experience but ignore direct experience .

  19. 两天的论坛将听取在脆弱国家从事发展工作的人们介绍他们的直接经验。

    The two day forum heard of direct experiences of those working on development in fragile states .

  20. 高炉铁水硅含量预测中的直接经验和间接经验

    First-hand Experience and Second-hand Knowledge in Prediction of Silicon Content in Hot Metal Tapped from Blast Furnace

  21. 因此,就知识的总体说来,无论何种知识都是不能离开直接经验的。

    Consequently , considered as a whole , knowledge of any kind is inseparable from direct experience .

  22. 任何哲学,其根源是在神秘的经验,直觉,或直接经验神圣的。

    Any philosophy whose roots are in mystical experiences , intuitions , or direct experiences of the divine .

  23. 它来源于直接经验、替代性经验、社会说服、情绪反应和生理状态等方面。

    It is derived from direct experience , alternative experience , social persuasion , emotional response and physiological state .

  24. 基于阵形变换的防守模型,将案例学习应用到阵形设计中,突破了单凭直接经验设置阵形的方式。

    The Defence model based on switching formation applies Case-based learning to design formations breaching the experiential parameter method .

  25. 我们通过直接经验来学习,如果没有通过体验来接受一个理论就等于根本没学。

    We learn though direct experience ; to accept a theory without experiencing it is to learn nothing at all .

  26. 综合实践活动课程作为我国新一轮基础教育课程改革的新领域,是一种基于学生的直接经验、密切联系社会实践、体现对知识综合运用的实践性课程。

    As a field of our new round of basic education curriculum reform , Comprehensive Practical Activities is a practical curriculum .

  27. 一位拥有两者直接经验的餐厅老板把这种关系描述为“如同油和水永不变更”。

    One restaurateur who has had first-hand experience of both described this relationship as " invariably like oil and water " .

  28. 通过书本获取知识是一种比通过直接经验获取知识更好的方法,但后者获得的知识有些是前者无法企及的。

    The depth of knowledge bo be gained from books is richer and broader than what can be learned from direct experience .

  29. 我们应该承认,眼睛是直接经验的主要来源,可是我们也承认,眼睛是最会骗人的。

    While we agree that the eye is the main source of direct experience , we must admit that it is also most misleading .

  30. 梵文音节中富有韵律的震动频率,可以让信奉者不稳定的频率平稳下来,并且让他们直接经验到神。

    The rhythmical vibrations of the Sanskrit syllables can regulate the unsteady vibrations of the worshipper and permit the direct experience of the Divine .