
  • 网络Direct Flight
  1. 德国正在努力争取直飞航班的开通。

    Germany is pushing for direct flights to be established .

  2. 两国之间的直飞航班也将相应增加。

    Direct flights between the two countries will also be increased .

  3. 由于天气预报报告说德国北部大部分地区在下午晚些时候都有雷暴,我决定把需要在法兰克福转机的汉莎航班换成柏林航空(airberlin)早一些的直飞航班。

    With severe thunderstorms forecast for most of northern Germany in the late afternoon , I decided to swap my Lufthansa connection through Frankfurt for an earlier direct flight on Air Berlin .

  4. 幸运的是,东京是一个直接从达拉斯直飞航班。

    Thankfully , Tokyo is a direct nonstop flight from Dallas .

  5. 还不错。我乘坐的是直飞航班。

    Angel : It was fine . I had a direct flight .

  6. 上海到台北直飞航班春节机位有保证!

    Non-stop flights from Taipei to Shanghai Spring seats guaranteed !

  7. 美国联合航空公司明年六月开始推出从广州到旧金山的每日直飞航班。

    United Airlines will launch a daily Guangzhou-San Francisco direct flight next June .

  8. 布拉克和迈阿密之间会有更多直飞航班,这也将帮助发展布拉克的经济。

    More direct flights from Miami to the Brac are scheduled and will also help .

  9. 成都到暹粒的直飞航班是吴哥航空经营的,通常被旅游团包机。

    Chengdu to Siem Reap is run by Angkor Airlines and usually booked by tourist groups .

  10. 从中国到西雅图的商务因为海南海空的直飞航班而更加简单便捷。

    S.Business between China and Seattle is made even easier now , with direct flights on Hainan Airlines .

  11. 而从6月开始,中国国际航空公司将会新增两趟北京与莫斯科之间的直飞航班。

    And starting in June , Air China will schedule two additional direct flights between Beijing and Moscow .

  12. 而且马来西亚航空公司没有从香港到孟买的直飞航班,并且也没有从香港直飞印度的任何地区的直飞航班。

    There is also no Malaysia Airlines direct flights from Hong Kong to Mumbai or any part of India .

  13. 是直飞航班还是需要在一个繁忙庞大的机场(比如亚特兰大机场)中转34分钟?

    Is it nonstop or does it have a 34-minute connection in a busy , sprawling airport like Atlanta ?

  14. 上个月,上海同夏威夷檀香山定期直飞航班正式开通,为双方人员往来和游客观光提供了极大便利。

    Last month , the launch of the scheduled direct flight between Shanghai and Honolulu greatly facilitated the bilateral people-to-people exchange .

  15. 如果它继续执政,意大利就会搭上破产和财政违约的直飞航班。

    If it were to continue in power , Italy would be on a direct course to insolvency and fiscal default .

  16. 每日有8个直飞航班往返伦敦与香港,4个航班往返旧金山与香港。

    There are eight direct flights between London and Hong Kong every day , and four between San Francisco and Hong Kong .

  17. 6月份的会谈中,双方达成协议,允许中国大陆居民赴台旅游,并开通了周末直飞航班。

    Yesterday 's deal follows talks in June , which allowed mainland Chinese tourists to visit Taiwan and established weekend direct flights .

  18. 这个公司不提供从斯坦斯特德机场飞往美国的航班,但是提供从其它伦敦和英国机场起飞的直飞航班。

    The airline does not fly to the us from Stansted but does offer direct flights from other London and UK airports .

  19. 等直飞航班和航线恢复之后,将有更多的人前往古巴旅行,与古巴人民一起工作,增进彼此的了解。

    And when direct flights and ferries resume , even more of our citizens will have the chance to travel and work together and know each other .

  20. 上周末签署的第二份协议《海峡两岸空运补充协议》将扩大两岸之间去年才开通的直飞航班,从每周108班次包机航班增至270班次定期航班。

    A second agreement signed this weekend expands direct flights across the Taiwan Strait , which only began last year , from 108 chartered flights to 270 scheduled flights a week .

  21. 它专门提到,在北京有10名墨西哥公民被隔离在一家宾馆,其中有3名儿童,还有4人是搭乘美国始发的直飞航班抵达的。

    It singled out Beijing , where a group of 10 Mexican citizens held in isolation in a hotel included three young children and four people who had arrived on direct flights from the US .

  22. 这次是因为它提供了一趟从我所在城市出发的直飞航班,我才预订了它的班机。我近期不打算使用该额度,也没有飞去同一目的地会见客户的计划。

    I booked it only because it had a non-stop service from my city and I don 't plan to use it any time soon or to to fly to the same destination for that client .

  23. 尽管他希望从7月份起开通两岸周末直飞航班,并允许每天多至3000名大陆人士到台湾观光,但他的政府却有意在经济放开方面缓慢行事。

    While he hopes to open non-stop flights to and from China every weekend and allow up to 3000 Chinese to visit the island every day from July , his government intends to move slowly on economic deregulation .

  24. 但还有其他原因,教授们比起巴塞罗那更青睐伦敦,因为在伦敦他们更容易开展私人咨询工作,芝加哥和伦敦之间还有多趟直飞航班,而当时芝加哥和巴塞罗那之间一趟都没有。

    But there were other reasons . Professors preferred London to Barcelona because it was easier for them to do private consultancy work there , as well having multiple direct flights between Chicago and London and none at the time between Chicago and Barcelona .

  25. 国泰航空公司每天都有从希思罗机场直飞香港的航班。

    Cathay Pacific flies daily non-stop to Hong Kong from Heathrow

  26. 他们是搭乘从雅典直飞这里的航班过来的。

    They 'd come on a direct flight from Athens .

  27. 你们有从北京直飞西雅图的航班吗?

    Do you have a non-stop flight from Beijing to seattle ?

  28. 联合航空公司有从香港直飞印度的航班。

    United Airlines has direct flights from Hong Kong to india .

  29. M:你们有直飞多伦多的航班吗?

    M : Do you have any direct flights to Toronto ?

  30. 我知道有直飞上海的航班。

    I know there is a direct flight to Shanghai .