
  • 网络Helipad;Heliport
  1. 带上你的工具箱到直升机停机坪。

    Grab your kits and make for the helipad .

  2. 此外,放宽对直升机停机坪的要求,也可以使建筑师们设计出更有趣的屋顶天台。

    Relaxing the requirements of a helipad also will empower architects to create more interesting rooftops .

  3. 极少被用到的直升机停机坪,可能会增强人们的安全感,除此之外毫无用处。

    Our rarely used helipads may enhance the perception of safety but do little else .

  4. 对于放宽摩天大楼楼顶直升机停机坪的规定,我们无须担心,恰恰相反,这将给我们带来许多好处。

    There 's nothing to fear - and much to gain - in relaxing the helipad requirement .

  5. 直升机停机坪离我们的家只有1.6公里远,所有在场的妇女都冲上了屋顶。

    The helipad was just a mile from our house and all the women rushed up to the roof .

  6. 除了有失美感外,设有直升机停机坪的四方屋顶,也错过了利用可持续功能创建“绿色”屋顶的机会。

    Beyond aesthetics , boxy rooftops with helipads are really a missed opportunity to create " green " roofs with sustainable features .

  7. 据报道,长557英尺的“日蚀号”配有两个直升机停机坪,一个小型潜水艇,一座多功能的桑拿浴室,一个游泳池和一个导弹防御系统。

    The557-foot Eclipse reportedly comes with features including two helipads , a submarine , multiple hot tubs , a pool and a missile-detection system .

  8. 直升机停机坪至少需要50x50英尺的空间,而且周围通常要设立25英尺的缓冲区。

    A space 50-by-50-feet wide at minimum is required for a helipad spot , plus a typical additional 25 feet around it as a buffer .

  9. 最顶层将建成世界上最大的穹顶,四周围绕着4个直升机停机坪,以供那些超级富豪降落。

    The top floor will house one of the largest Islamic domes in the world , surrounded by four helipads for the ultra-rich to land on .

  10. 它拥有11个住舱、一个360度观察区、4个直升机停机坪、自己的船坞、几个游泳池,它和游轮差不多大,与其说它是艘船不如说它是座城市。

    With 11 accommodation decks , a 360-degree observation area , four helipads , its own dock , several swimming pools and as much space as a cruise liner , it 's not so much a boat as a city .

  11. 直升机正等在停机坪上。

    The helicopter was waiting on the apron .

  12. 或者如果诸位在乎费用的话,可选择乘坐直升机在酒店间跳点旅游,各个度假地都建有直升机停机坪。

    You can hop on ferries . Or - if you 're really not scrimping - you can hop from lodge to lodge on a helicopter ; they all have helipads .