
  • 网络Car rental companies;Hertz;enterprise;Alamo;Sixt
  1. 只要你的驾照没有违规记录,就可以从多数租车公司租到这些车。

    You can hire these from most car hire firms , provided you have a clean driving licence .

  2. 现在不用徘徊十字路口招手了,只要掏出智能手机,轻触几下,租车公司Uber简洁而具有未来主义风格的公司标识就会跳出来。

    Instead of lingering at the intersection flailing your hand in the air , you fish out your smartphone .

  3. 2007年,企业租车公司(EnterpriseRent-A-Car)收购了合并之后的全美/阿拉莫车队,成为美国最大的汽车租赁公司。

    Then in 2007 , enterprise rent-a-car acquired the combined national / Alamo fleet , making it the largest car rental company in the US .

  4. Lyft租车公司招司机的广告占满了旧金山高速路边的一整块广告板。

    Lyft shared their ad for drivers in full view of a San Francisco highway .

  5. 斯科特o格里菲斯[注:时任租车公司Zipcar的CEO]是我创立TaskRabbit之后最早的几位导师之一。

    Scott Griffith , [ Editor 's note : then CEO of Zipcar ] became one of my early mentors since founding TaskRabbit .

  6. 他们不得不这么做,因为Airbnb和租车公司Uber的成功证明,规模更小、基础设施更简单、更灵活的公司,可以取得成功——看看这些资产几乎可忽略不计的公司的市值,你就会恍然大悟。

    And they have to because the successes of companies like Airbnb and Uber have shown that smaller firms with simpler and more nimble infrastructures can win - just look at the market caps being attached to these asset-lite firms .

  7. 租金照投标出价订定租车公司是拼命压价。

    Rent subject to tender The rental companies drive a hard bargain .

  8. 我们已经在和当地的租车公司联系了。

    We 've got agents checking with all the local rental companies .

  9. 附近有租车公司吗?

    Is there a rent a car company around here ?

  10. 这里有一些租车公司的电话号码。

    Here are some telephone numbers of rent_a_car companies .

  11. 另外还有新司机的问题,租车公司因此需要有专门的车身修理厂。

    Another problem is novice drivers , necessitating a full-time body repair shop .

  12. 这附近有几家租车公司?

    How many rent-a-car companies in this town ?

  13. 这附近有没有租车公司?

    Is there a rent_a_car company around here ?

  14. 租车公司是拼命压价。

    The rental companies drive a hard bargain .

  15. 最近的租车公司在哪里?

    Where 's the nearest rent_a_car company ?

  16. 另外,企业号控股集团还拥有阿拉莫租车公司以及全美汽车连锁租赁公司。

    In addition , Enterprise Company also owns Alamo and the National Car Rental chain .

  17. 在一次旅行中,我目睹了一家租车公司灾难性的顾客服务。

    In a travel , I witnessed a disastrous customer service of a car rental company .

  18. 这已经催生了一种新的车辆所有权,并导致租车公司数量的增长。

    This has led to a different kind of ownership and the increase of rental schemes .

  19. 隔天早上,我打电话给租车公司,但租不到车。

    The next morning , I called a rental car company but there were no cars available .

  20. 我们租车公司所有的时间来为我们做的事情,我们可以做自己。

    We hire companies all the time to do things for us that we could do ourselves .

  21. 最后,本部分引入美国某租车公司购置新车项目决策的案例。

    Thirdly , this part introduces a new car purchase decision project case of a U.S.rental car company .

  22. 有一些租车公司在雇佣和管理驾驶员方面已经建立了良好的信用,一旦出了问题也愿意赔钱。

    Limousine companies have established liability for hiring and supervising their drivers , and paying when things go wrong .

  23. 经销商随后便可与租车公司交易,然后再出售此车盈利。

    The dealer can then work out the transaction with the leasing company and resell the car for a profit .

  24. 赫兹租车公司原名为赫兹自我驾驶系统公司,1954年进行了一次重大重组后,更名为赫兹租车公司。

    Hertz Rent-A-Car was originally Hertz Drive-Ur-Self System , but changed to The Hertz Corporation in 1954 after a major restructuring .

  25. 分析师普遍预计,在线旅游企业和租车公司或者彼此合并,或者跟相关行业公司合并。

    Analysts widely expect online travel companies and auto rental firms to either merge with each other or with companies in related spaces .

  26. 更让人印象深刻的是,通用斩获如此可观的销量不是靠大幅打折或采用那些老套的花招,比如批量销售给短期租车公司之类。

    Even more impressive , GM accomplished such robust sales without deep discounts or shopworn gimmicks like volume sales to daily rental fleets .

  27. 航空公司的点数累积奖励政策比酒店或租车公司的客户忠诚计划力度更大。

    Airline incentives to accumulate points are more powerful than hotel and car-rental loyalty programs , which have always based points on dollars .

  28. 租车公司或出租车公司以及酒店也会得到消息——一切都能实现无缝衔接。

    The car rental service or taxi service would know of the delay , and the hotel might be notified of a late arrival - all seamlessly .

  29. 乘客描写说,他们听到一声宏大的爆炸声,杭州租车公司,而后看见火焰从受损的引擎里冒出来,这个引擎位于最凑近机身的左翼上。

    Passengers describe hearing a loud explosion , then seeing flames shooting out of the damaged engine , which was on the left wing closest to the fuselage .

  30. 过去这个十年行将结束之时,美国大型汽车租赁公司从原来的九家锐减到四家,分别是赫兹、安飞士/巴吉、企业租车公司和Dollar/Thrifty。

    By the end of the last decade the number of major car rental companies in the US had gone from about nine to just four : Hertz , Avis / budget , enterprise and dollar / thrifty .