
  • 网络Avis;Avis Budget Group;AVI S
  1. 安飞士介绍了XM卫星广播公司的所有高级和豪华车。

    Avis introduces XM Satellite Radio in all Premium and Luxury vehicles .

  2. 过去几年,全美汽车租赁公司(National)收购了阿拉莫(Alamo),安飞士租车(Avis)与巴吉(Budget)合并,Thrifty与Dollar成功联姻,而赫兹则收购了优势租车公司(Advantage)。

    In the last few years national bought Alamo , Avis merged with budget , thrifty hooked up with dollar ( DTG ) and Hertz acquired advantage .

  3. 赫兹(Hertz),安飞士(Avis),欧洲汽车(Eurocar)这些汽车租赁公司,在其全球化的广告活动中都会使用典型的形象,比如一个忙碌的行政商务人员。

    Companies such as Hertz , Avis and Europcar globalised their advertising campaigns by portraying typical images such as the busy executive .

  4. 但最后,DollarThrifty股东感觉自己吃了亏,而且与安飞士一样,赫兹也得面对同样的反垄断问题。

    Dollar Thrifty shareholders felt they were being short-changed and that anti-trust concerns was just as much , if not more , of an issue with Hertz as it was with Avis .

  5. 安飞士被认为是一种模式的公司和职工持股是最大的员工拥有公司在美国。

    Avis is considered a model ESOP company and is one of the largest employee-owned companies in the United States .

  6. 中国的游客和商务旅客在国外旅行时可以使用安飞士和巴吉汽车租赁车辆,所有这些都可以通过滴滴出行这一应用程序完成。

    Chinese tourists and business travelers will have access to both Avis and Budget car rental vehicles when traveling overseas , all through the Didi Chuxing app .

  7. 11月15日,中国领先打车平台滴滴宣布,该公司已与美国汽车租赁公司安飞士巴吉集团达成战略合作协议。

    Didi , China 's leading car hailing platform , announced on Nov. 15 that it has reached a strategic cooperation agreement with the American vehicle rental company Avis Budget Group .

  8. 根据合作协议,滴滴和安飞士将协调产品、技术和本地的营销资源,允许用户通过机场和其他租赁网点的安飞士和巴吉预订。

    According to the cooperation agreement , Didi and Avis will coordinate on products , technology and local marketing resources , allowing users to book through Avis and Budget at airports and other rental outlets .

  9. 过去这个十年行将结束之时,美国大型汽车租赁公司从原来的九家锐减到四家,分别是赫兹、安飞士/巴吉、企业租车公司和Dollar/Thrifty。

    By the end of the last decade the number of major car rental companies in the US had gone from about nine to just four : Hertz , Avis / budget , enterprise and dollar / thrifty .