
  • 网络ANTWERP;Belgium;Antwerpen;anvers;ANR
  1. 她在安特卫普的世界越野锦标赛上获得了第3名。

    She finished third in the world cross-country championships in Antwerp .

  2. HRD安特卫普的官方合作伙伴为颁奖典礼的组织机构。

    HRD Antwerp 's official partner for the organisation of the Prize Awarding Ceremony .

  3. 拱形正中刻有“巴黎1924—第八届奥运会”字样。ANTWERP1920Medal安特卫普奥运会奖牌

    In the centre , the inscription " VIIIe OLYMPIADE PARIS 1924 " .

  4. 顶部刻有“ANVERSMCMXX”字样,意为安特卫普1920。

    In the top half , the inscription " ANVERS MCMXX " .

  5. 伦敦经济学院(LondonSchoolofEconomics)、阿斯顿商学院(AstonBusinessSchool)和安特卫普大学(UniversityofAntwerp)的研究人员,对159名英国“社会创业者”进行了研究,这些创业者在创造经济价值的同时,也在努力创造社会价值。

    Researchers at the London School of Economics , Aston Business School , and University of Antwerp studied 159 U.K. " social entrepreneurs , " business owners who try to create social as well as financial value .

  6. 今年38岁的意籍奥地利人PeterPilotto与他比利时与澳洲双重国籍的商业搭档、35岁的克里斯托弗德沃斯(ChristopherdeVos)在安特卫普皇家美术学院(RoyalAcademyofFineArtinAntwerp)上学时结识,他俩于2007年合伙创建PeterPilotto品牌。

    Austro-Italian Peter Pilotto , 38 , and his Belgian / Austrian business partner Christopher de Vos , 35 , met while studying at the Royal Academy of Fine Art in Antwerp . They launched Peter Pilotto in 2007 .

  7. 在接受委托为安特卫普郊区的梅克斯普拉斯(Merksplas)设计11个单元后,他们专注于实现各元素的多功能化,确切地说就是从地基做起。

    Commissioned to design 11 units in the Antwerp suburb of Merksplas , they focused on making elements multi-functional , literally from the ground up .

  8. 奥林匹克格言在1920年安特卫普奥运会上正式出现。

    The Olympic Motto first appeared officially in 1920 Antwerp Games .

  9. 安特卫普市里有着很多富丽堂皇的石造古老建筑物。

    There were a lot of majestic old stone buildings in Antwerp .

  10. 你船预抵安特卫普引航站的当地时间是几点?

    What is your ETA at Antwerp Pilot Station in local time ?

  11. 如果战争结束了,他也就不需要安特卫普了。

    If that happened , he wouldn 't need Antwerp .

  12. 本月,重庆开通了至安特卫普的航空货运服务。

    This month , an air freight service to Antwerp was inaugurated .

  13. 巴士服务阿姆斯特丹和布鲁塞尔之间通过安特卫普可用。

    The bus service between Amsterdam and Brussels via Antwerp is available .

  14. 1920年比利时安特卫普奥运会。

    At the Antwerp Olympic Games , Belgium in 1920 .

  15. 我轮仍在安特卫普港修理主机。

    My vessel is still at ANTWERP undergoing repairs to the main engine .

  16. 安特卫普市比利时北部一城市,位于布鲁塞尔以北的斯特尔特河边。

    A city of northern Belgium on the Scheldt River north of Brussels .

  17. 尼洛和帕特拉斯基正从安特卫普往回走。

    Nello and Patrasche were coming back from antwerp .

  18. 整个安特卫普必须有所反应。

    And all Antwerp has to act on it .

  19. 风尚2001登陆展,安特卫普,比利时

    Mode 2001 landed , antwerp , Belgium , 2001

  20. 热带医学研究所,比利时安特卫普。

    C.Institute of Tropical Medicine , Antwerp , Belgium .

  21. 国际海事委员会设在比利时的安特卫普。

    The domicile of the Comite Maritime International is established in Antwerp , Belgium .

  22. 而斯德哥尔摩和安特卫普也不甘人后,正奋起直追。

    Stockholm and Antwerp are catching up quickly .

  23. 之后儿子跟着爸爸一起回到了安特卫普,并承认自己之前的行为很幼稚。

    He gladly returned to Antwerp with his father , admitting he had been naive .

  24. 谈《约克安特卫普规则2004》对共同海损制度之影响

    Discourse on the York - Antwerp Rules , 2004 's influence on the general average

  25. 2004年《约克&安特卫普规则》修订综述

    Analysis of York - Antwerp Rules 2004

  26. 龙龙和爷爷相依为命,住在安特卫普镇的北方。

    An Orphan Nello lives with his kindly grandfather in the north part of Antwerp .

  27. 1920年比利时安特卫普奥运会的开幕式上,和平鸽又一次被放飞。

    This symbol of peace was used again at the opening ceremony in Antwerp in1920 .

  28. 我不是说这很容易,但我们若老早攻下安特卫普的话。

    If we 'd have taken Antwerp and I 'm not saying that would be easy .

  29. 德克工作在安特卫普,比利时和欧洲各地发送了他的乐高的艺术。

    Dirk operates from Antwerp , Belgium and sends out his LEGO art all over Europe .

  30. 在安特卫普总部实习的时候,人人都觉得辛苦,只有她不。

    When she was an internship in Antwerp , everybody felt laborious , only she didn 't.